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Accident Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 31 Unique Sources About Accident

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The accident may be a car crash, a careless dropping of a brick on someone’s head, or just slipping on a banana skin. Whatever it is, you have to ask who is the victim of the accident and (where applicable) who caused it? Usually it will be you, or some aspect of you.

(1) If the accident in the dream involves only you - if, for example, it is a repeat of some accident diat actually happened to you - then ask yourself: am I accident prone? If you are, the dream may be expressing your worries about this accident proneness. It may also be asking you to do something about it.

Accidents are often less accidental than we think.

If there were no unconscious dimension to the human psyche, then we would be justified in speaking of ‘pure accidents’ - unless we subscribe to the notion of some implacable God or fate that causes them. But if we accept the existence of unconscious drives, unconscious desires and motivations, then what otherwise we might properly call accidents may be seen as misfortunes we have brought upon ourselves. We may, at an unconscious level, be playing the martyr or punishing ourselves for imagined guilt. Docs any of this apply to you? If so, try to discover - ask your unconscious to reveal - the cause of your neurotic selfpunishment. The cause will almost certainly turn out to be not so much a fact as a fantasy, and any factual element in it will almost certainly be quite innocuous and innocent. If, for instance, you concluded that the cause of your guilt-feelings and consequent masochism was connected with your father’s death, was it really you who killed him? Or if you think the cause is a childhood sexual desire for your mother or father, isn’t that a natural part of human development, and therefore blameless?

(2) If the dream strikes you powerfully as a premonition, act accordingly. Avoid whatever action might expose you to an accident of the kind depicted in the dream.

(3) If the accident happens to someone else in your dream, you have to decide who that person is or, alternatively, what part of yourself is represented by that person.

If the victim is identifiable as someone in real life, then, no matter how close the person is to you and no matter how much you love that person, you should consider the possibility that the dream is expressing an unconscious hostile wish or resentment towards that person. Even if the dream makes you anxious for the safety or well-being of the person, it may be that the anxiety is a cloak for repressed antagonism towards him or her. Feelings and desires arc repressed because they are felt to be unacceptable. But, however disgusting or morally reprehensible those feelings or desires may appear to you, it is better to face up to them in the clear light of consciousness than to leave them to brood and breed in the dark cellars of the unconscious. What is repressed does not cease to exist (what is out of sight is not out of mind!); nor does it cease to function negatively and destructively.

Siblings, as well as parents and spouse, are likely objects of jealousy and even of uncharitable death-wishes. For siblings, see also Brother / Sister; for parents, see also Father, Mother.

(4) Dream accidents of a rather different kind may be mere reviewings of actual happenings: forgetting your spouse’s / parent’s / sibling’s birthday, or failing to do in a certain situation what you normally do in that situation (e.g. complimenting a person on his or her looks or performance). What may appear to be accidental may, in fact, be the effect of an unconscious cause (see (1) above), and the dream’s repetition of the ‘absentmindedness’ or ‘inexplicable lapse of memory* may, in fact, be a prompting from your unconscious to get some inner conflict sorted out.

On the other hand, such dreams may be pure anxiety dreams, representing your fear of making such a slip. Remember, though, that anxiety can cloak unconscious anger, and it is anxiety that causes repression. (Freud began by saying that repression causes anxiety; but he later reversed that formula.) See also Anxiety.


Self-punishment. Unexpected trouble resulting from choice, decision or action. What have you done recently that is perhaps questionable as to whether you were right or not and in which you may be unhappy with your choice, decision or actions. Look for means to make amends, correction, and undoing. Perhaps someone else has pressured you to do something you know is wrong for you. You need to correct this situation before you are harmed by it. Take special care to steer clear of any situation where you could have an accident or be in danger until this matter is resolved.

To witness an accident instead of being in an accident means can mean the same thing, but when witnessing an accident you could be indicating that you are seeing someone else involved also being hurt by your choice, decision or action. This could be a warning of an upcoming event. Are you trying to punish yourself for something? Head: oneself or to one’s father. Foot, right: brother or sister. Foot, left: servant or distant relative. Hand, right: Mother Hand, left: Children Something unplanned. Any sort of accident - car, household, job related; is indicative of self-criticism. You have done something of which you are not proud. Examine your recent actions and see if you can undo the problem.

To dream about being involved in some sort of accident, or even witnessing one, is a warning omen that should be taken very seriously. You should be extremely careful, avoid travel in the near future, and steer clear of all potentiality dangerous situations. Also - Accident: The meaning of this dream varies greatly depending on the circumstances and surroundings, but as a rule it is a warning.

If you dreamed of an accident, as such, you would be wise to avoid unnecessary travel for a few weeks.

An accident at sea pertains to love affairs, on land, to business affairs.

If possible, you should avoid the thing that was involved in the accident (for the twenty-four hours following the dream), i.e., if you dreamed of a car crash, walk for a day but be careful crossing streets! Steer clear of planes, trains, horses, knives, sharp instruments, fires, electricity, high places, or whatever pertained to the dream accident, for at least a day.

If you can’t avoid them, take extra precautions. 


Studies have verified that some individuals have premonitory dreams, many of them about disasters or accidents; despite this fact, our oneiric activity is often an expression of our fears and secret anxieties. Therefore, dreams that portray accidents must not necessarily be taken literally because they tend to highlight a conflict in which we are immersed. So, if you are victim of an accident maybe there is something in real life that is not going well or you are taking too much risk. Sometimes it is necessary to review your existence and try to avoid making mistakes. When it is a car or train accident, the incident indicates that your judgments are precipitated, which may portend future arguments. But if you dream of a plane crash, the unconscious is transmitting a clear symbol of irrationality (the dreamer refuses to see reality as it is).

If you are driving at high speed, maybe the dream is telling you to take everything more calmly and to avoid rushing. When the accident victim is someone else, you must find the answer in your feelings. Perhaps, the envy or hatred you feel for that person can only find an outlet in your dreams. In the case of a home accident, the conflict is not far from the everyday environment of the person. Lastly, disasters caused by natural elements, such as fire or water (fires, floods, earthquakes), are usually related to a fact that has recently impacted us.

It is recommended to be cautious for twenty-four hours following this dream. According to some oneiric traditions, accidents in the sea represent matters of love. On land, they symbolize business problems. Witnessing an accident denotes cowardice; helping the injured, betrayal of a friend. According to gypsy tradition, this dream is a warning so the accident can be prevented.


Example: 4I was standing in a hospital corridor looking through a glass partition. I could see a man having what I thought was a heart attack. Nurses and doctors came rushing to him and he was vomiting blood. I was on holiday in Canada at the time, staying in a hotel. I thought this dream was a bad omen and wouldn’t leave my bedroom for ages. But this was five years ago’ (Mrs F).

The woman in the example was having her hean (feelings) massively attacked by anxiety, so much so she is laid low (unable to go out of the room and lead a normal life). Many people have strong feelings of anxi­ety about any dream which shows them having an accident or being injured.

If we could have a record of every dream each person had, we would see that everyone dreams of being in­jured, murdered, killed, again and again. Because these are common themes, some dreams are going to coincide with an actual accident or plane crash. Many dreams in the files are attempts on the part of the dreamer to link the dream with a later event. But such dreams are about psychological injury or anxiety. General: anxiety, self punishment or introverted ag­gression.

An accident to someone else: could be hidden ag­gression. Idioms : accidentally on purpose; chapter of acci­dents.


The meaning of this dream varies greatly depending on the circumstances and surroundings, but as a rule it is a warning.

If you dreamed of an accident as such, you wouldr be wise to avoid unnecessary travel for a few weeks.

An accident at sea pertains to love affairs, on land, to business affairs.

If possible, you should avoid the thing that was involved in the accident (for the twenty-four hours following the dream), Le., if you dreamed of a car crash, walk for a day but be careful crossing streets! Steer clear of planes, trains, horses, knives, sharp instruments, fires, electricity, high places, or whatever pertained to the dream accident, for at least a day; and if you can’t avoid them, take extra precautions.

See Also: Insurance.


An accident dream would normally fall under the category of a warning from your subconscious mind telling you to steer clear of whatever was involved in the dream accident, no matter what it is. Many lives have been saved by heeding such a dream.

If the dream involves a car then you should endeavor to walk as much as possible, but use extra caution when you are approached by a vehicle. Take a different flight at least two days later if an airplane, watch out for WHATEVER is involved.

If the dream is about a sea accident and you do not plan to travel by ship or boat, then this is an omen having to do with love affairs.

If the accident involves an archaic, outdated, mode of travel then it will pertain to business reversals.


Often a sign of dealing emotionally with real accidents.

A warning that mirrors fear. Also a suggestion of being inattentive towards everyday affairs. This could also be a “preventative dream” that emotionally replaces troubling events or experiences in the real world—difficulty and problems that you feel you cannot handle.

An accident may also be a symbol for orgasm. According to author Jack McGuire, there are four different levels or stages of this symbol:

1. Tendency towards self-punishment.

2. The feeling that life or a specific situation is out of control.

3. An expression of rage and fear.

4. Mistrusting the situation in the dream that led to the accident.


Remember the ubiquitous phrase “There are no accidents.” An accident is an unintended and immediate course correction. When we are involved in an accident, the path we are on is instantaneously stopped and we are forced to consider new directions. There is often a good deal of damage control that needs to be done, and often the shift we are being asked to make is not of our own making. Remember, too, that the frustration and disappointment we often feel when an accident occurs is based on our added judgment that the accident was a bad thing or should not have happened. An accident in your dream could be a warning that where you are headed needs to be considered differently.


Accident dreams can represent a variety of different situations, from straightforward fears of being in an actual, physical accident (or memories of such an accident) to a sense that one is headed for a more metaphorical “crack up.” We may be so preoccupied with something that we are not paying attention, or so involved in the rat race that we need to slow down.

As extensions of ourselves, vehicles often represent the physical body, so an accident dream may indicate a health problem or anxieties about health.

If the general tone of the dream is positive (even if violent), accidents may symbolize something or some part of life of which one is letting go.


To dream of being in an accident can be a warning for you to avoid whichever situation was involved in your dream, regardless of what it is. Lives have been saved by heeding this advice.

If your dream involves a car, you may want to walk whenever possible and use extra caution when surrounded by traffic.

If your dream involved an airplane, take a different flight for at least two days after your dream.

If you’re not planning on traveling by sea, yet your dream involved a boat or sea accident, this could mean love affair problems. Business venture reversals could be signaled if your dream had to do with ancient or outdated modes of travel.


Being in an accident (such as in a car or airplane) can represent feeling or fearing: a surprise, a threat, something catastrophic that’s out of your control, or things not going your way or according to your schedule.

Being hit by a vehicle can represent: a wake-up call about something you need to be aware of or change in your life, the idea of a sudden challenge in real life, such as a feared, expected, or imagined change, feeling taken by surprise or blindsided by something.

See Also: Problem, Injured, Hurt, Being, Disaster, Driving, Rear Ended, Failure, Breaking, Destroying


A warning, the details of which depend on other symbols in the dream.

If you dream of an accident while traveling by car, this could be a hint that you should either avoid travel at this time, or, if you can’t avoid it, make sure that your car is in the best possible condition before you leave. Stay away from planes, trains, buses, boats, or dangerous walking, such as hiking in the mountains, for at least a day after you have the dream, and preferably for a week.

If you must go, take a cell phone with you (in case you must call for help), as well as first aid supplies.


1- Dreams of being injured, murdered or killed occur relatively frequently, and attention needs to be paid to the specific circumstances of the dream. We are usually receiving a warning to be careful or to be aware of hidden aggression, either our own or others.

2- Such dreams may highlight anxieties to do with safety or carelessness, or fear of taking responsibility.

3- Since there is no such thing as an accident in spiritual terms, it signifies Divine intervention, or interference from an authoritative source.


Causing an accident: Guilt surrounding a situation for which you feel directly responsible, even if that feeling is unwarranted. Alternatively, working out hostility toward a person or situation through dream imagery.

Becoming seemingly helpless due to: This expresses feelings of defenselessness—as if one is totally at the whims of fate (See Also: Lameness, Numbness, Paralyzation).

Being too trusting of others, or inattentive to potential dangers, causes painful results (See Also: Blindness).


If injured by some object, such as a knife, be very careful when using one lest your dream be realized. Such a dream may mean that you wish to sever relationship with a business alliance or a friend. It also shows that you need sympathy and understanding.

A dream of an accident while traveling warns that you should avoid any kind of travel during the next day or two, or take every precaution for safety if you must travel. Accident dreams may also warn of an impending illness.


To dream of an accident is a warning to avoid any mode of travel for a short period, as you are threatened with loss of life.

For an accident to befall stock, denotes that you will struggle with all your might to gain some object and then see some friend lose property of the same value in aiding your cause.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Such dreams may highlight anxieties to do with safety or carelessness, or fear of taking responsibility. When the accident happens to us our vulnerability is highlighted, when it happens to others we are made aware of the thoughtlessness of others.


This dream depends entirely upon the surroundings.

If the Accident occurs at sea. it means disappointment in your love affairs. But if it happens on land, it concerns vour personal or business ventures.



Accident dreams are warnings to pay attention to a situation in real life, before it gets out of control. They can also be reminders to get health problems checked out.

If you dreamed of a car crash, look it up under “Crash.”


Any sort of an accident—car, household, job- related—is indicative of self-criticism. You have done something of which you are not proud. Examine your recent actions and see if you can undo the problem.


To meet with an accident or injury to any part of the body augurs suffering in that part (Raphael). Obviously a dream attributable to physical stimuli, and in accord with medical theory.


Dreams of an accident symbolize that you need to pay more attention to what you are doing. This venting dream also indicates a desire for perfection and a fear of making a mistake.


From a spiritual perspective there is no such thing as an accident, so in dreams such an occurrence signifies divine intervention, or interference from an authoritative source.


Not paying enough attention to all parts of self, not integrating experiences; preoccupation. Going too fast; need to slow down, concentrate energy.


1. Warning to avoid whatever was dangerous in the dream.

2. If another person has an accident, a wish to be free of that person.


Foreseen mishaps, whether literal or figurative, can usually be avoided or lessened if precautions are taken


Personal afflictions may be inevitable. But you will remove soon from the trouble.


Something unplanned is coming your way.


To dream that an accident occurs to you, portends great success; if you see an accident to another, beware of false friends.


lucky numbers: 02-08-17-29-35-40

air, in: with sufficient oxygen your mind is vigorous.

automobile, in an: money wil appear when you get over the shock.

overturning in an, or truck: health anxieties should be treated as fact until proven false.

being in an: your life is threatened by your preoccupation with the rat race.

enemies: your glee at other’s misfortune wil backfire.

family: wil require welfare for not integrating al experience to a positive goal.

friends: wil suffer humiliation, but must develop the aspect you’ve forgotten.

injured: there is joy and profit from insurance, but an ominous cloud is hovering.

killed: family unhappiness over your blowing unexamined fears out of proportion.

bicycle, on a: beware of team members’ aggression.

in general: avoid a hasty decision to undertake unnecessary travel.

insurance: explain your failure to comply with another’s request.

land, on: good ventures, if old ones are abandoned.

sea, at: disappointing affairs of the heart; a new life direction has been blocked.

walking across the street: do not fear taking on a new responsibility.


Sources and Authors

  1. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  2. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  3. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  4. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  5. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  6. Encyclopedia of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  7. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  8. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  11. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  13. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  14. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  15. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  16. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  17. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  18. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  19. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  20. Gypsy Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  21. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  22. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  24. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  25. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  26. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  27. Indian Interpretation of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  28. Tryskelion Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  29. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  30. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation