This depends entirely upon the circumstances, but it is usually found to be a case of contrary meaning.
If it is a trivial Ache, it is probably due to some physical cause, and would be a sign of ill-health. But if the pain is severe end obviously imaginary, it denotes some important event that will prove beneficial to you.
To the business man, it foretells good trade, a fortunate season’s business.
To the lover, it indicates a favourable time for him to push his suit.
To the farmer, it promises a good and profitable harvest, with high prices.
To the sailor, it shows a successful voyage.
See Also: ILLNESS.
[1]A physical ache in a dream might point to an actual imbalance in the body, or it might represent: Physical, emotional, or mental pain, or a person or situation triggering pain within you.
A yearning or desire for something.
An ache in a specific area of your body could represent feeling challenged in whatever area the body part represents (such as a back ache representing feeling tired having to stand up for yourself in a certain situation).
See Also: Pain, Hurt, Being, Injured, Headache
[2]Indicates where we may be holding back on expressing the energy relevant to that pan of the body.
A man who dreamt of an ache in his throat later discovered in therapy that he had been holding back emotions about his father who had died suddenly. On release he was able to say how much he loved his father. In chest: withheld emotions. Lower back: sexual energy blocked. Idioms: my hean aches; a pain in the arse.
[3]This is usually a dream of contrary.
A trivial ache is either due to a physical cause or is a warning to consult a doctor.
A severe ache indicates an important event which will be beneficial to you.
However, a headache is a warning against confiding your private affairs to anyone.
See Also: parts of body—Arm, Leg, etc., and Illness.
[4]If you dream of an ache in a particular part of your body, then this represents an imbalance, strain, or stress. Consider the part of the body that is experiencing the ache.
For example, dreams of an ear ache symbolize difficulty taking criticism or an unwillingness to listen to what people are telling you.
See Also: Body.
[5]If it is not a real ache but a real dream of an ache, it is a sign that you should not tell people of your business plans, but keep your own counsel regarding the manner in which you expect to make money.
[6](See Also: Pain)
An ache may mean that whatever is associated with the part of the body where the ache is felt, is receiving inadequate expression.
[7]A deep longing for someone or something.
[8]See Also: body
[9](See Also: Pain)