An alleyway may simply be one form of the symbol of the path, which indicates seeking, transformation, and the transition from one stage of life to another. Alleys have certain other connotations, however, such as that of a shortcut, a sidetrack, or a dead end. Alleys also convey a sense of being narrow and limited, therefore requiring that they be followed closely. In contemporary society, alleyways often have sinister connotations as a location where one might be attacked.
As with all dream symbols, the tone and setting of the dream determine which meaning is indicated.
[1]An indirect, secret, or out-of-the-way route, either literally or figuratively (as in a hidden course of action).
An alternative or unusual way to access something or someone.
A shortcut.
A tangent, or going off-course somehow.
A dark or scary alley could represent a feeling or fear of danger or the unknown.
See Also: Passageway, Road
[2](See Also: Abyss, Dead End, Path)
An unlit alley: Lurking potential for danger (See Also: Darkness).
Being mugged in an alley: Unanticipated misfortune that leaves you feeling violated or out of control (See Also: Banking: robbeiy).
Light at the end of an alley: Hope. Traversing a dark time to find renewal (See Also: Tunnel).
[3]Squeezing through a tight place like an alley or a door-way is considered a symbol of sexual desire.
It is also a very common dream when a person is very pressed for time, such as meeting a financial obligation or memorizing a speech, preparing for scholastic examinations, and the like.
[4]To dream of an alley, denotes your fortune will not be so pleasing or promising as formerly. Many vexing cares will present themselves to you.
For a young woman to wander through an alley after dark, warns her of disreputable friendships and a stigma on her character.
[5]A short cut to change directions; a redirection of plans. The way is narrow, limited, and must be followed closely.
If dark, represents an unknown and unfamiliar route.
[6]You will have am easy road ahead if you dreamed of an alley; unless it was a dead end, in which case success will come but only after some hard work.
[7]Dreams of an alley are integration dreams reflecting your unrecycled thoughts and feelings, and the clutter that is behind the scenes in your life.
[8]Alleys are between worlds and cautions should be taken when in unfamiliar territory. Be careful of being trapped in some condition or place.
[9]Loss of property is augured here, a plausible interpretation from the gypsy standpoint, while the Freudian erotic meaning is less obvious.
[10]An alley tells the dreamer to be cautious when making a life transition.
[11]Taking shortcut may lead to danger.
[12]Low-ranking pathway
[13](Corridor, Hallway, Lane, Long narrow lane) Entering a lane in a dream means falling under suspicion and particularly ifit has curves.
A lane in a dream also means breaking one’s oath or mixing and confusing values, or it could mean a road, a method of operating a business, or the techniques used by a craftsman in his trade.
[14]lucky numbers: 03-10-25-37-48-52
dark: neighbors gossip about your taking a devious route, to you it’s unknown.
dead-end: fear of exposure has boxed you in a corner, the third side is stil exposed.
of an: have no choice in way out of predicament but to total y redirect plans.
trees, lined with: transform the green reality with honor and dignity.