Dreams in which you ambush or abduct someone reflect your desperation in waking life to ward off potential humiliation.
If the person you are ambushing is someone you know, you also need to consider if you are secretly envious of this person in waking life.
If this is the case, your unconscious may have been expressing your desire to capture or kidnap the qualities you admire and make them your own. Alternatively, you may have a hidden desire to control that person. If, however, you were ambushed, abducted or kidnapped in your dream, this suggests that someone or something in your waking life is trying to take control of you. Your dream expresses your surprise and uncertainty about losing control.
[1]Any dream that contains an image representing a force greater than ourselves suggests an inability to handle circumstances around us.
The most outstanding element of an ambush is its surprise, highlighting the unexpectedness of such a situation. Spiritually this may be, for instance, emotions and feelings about past events or traumas, with which we may consider we have come to terms but which re-emerge to trap us.
[2]It usually indicates fear of unexpected changes that can have negative consequences on the dreamer’s life. It denotes insecurity and precaution toward the surrounding environment and also an inability to control a situation.
If the dreamer is the one who prepares the ambush the meaning is the opposite: it reflects confidence, tact, and boldness to manage dangerous situations.
[3]To dream that you are ambushed is a warning - there is some danger lurking near you. Your personal situation may have taken a turn for the worse, or something/someone is blocking you from getting/doing what you want.
If you dream of lying in ambush for others, this suggests that you are consciously tricking or fooling your friends about something.
[4]An ambush is a surprise attack. Concretely, it may represent some unpleasant surprise or unanticipated turn for the worse in one’s life.
If one was headed for a clear destination at the time of the ambush, it may represent a sense of being blocked. Ambushes may also be more general symbols of sudden loss and emotional upheaval.
[5]Psychological / emotional perspective: Dreams of being ambushed suggest that we are subconsciously aware of being in danger. Our way forward is blocked until we deal with the problem. Waiting to ambush someone else suggests an element of cruelty in our makeup and that we are waiting for someone to make a mistake.
[6]To dream that your are atacked{sic} from ambush, denotes that you have lurking secretly near you a danger, which will soon set upon and overthrow you if you are heedless of warnings.
If you lie in ambush to revenge yourself on others, you will unhesitatingly stoop to debasing actions to defraud your friends.
[7]If you dream of an ambush, then you may be contemplating a surprise attack on someone in order to gain leverage in your life. Or you may be venting out the fact that you have been ganged up on, or that you fear being over powered or out numbered.
[8]Material aspects: Circumstances around us are not what they seem and we can expect the unexpected. Whether we can deal with what happens depends on our strength of character and ability to handle crises.
[9]1. Sudden demonic attack; John 13:27;
2. Going down wrong thought pathways can lead to the enemy ambushing your thought life.
2 Cor. 10 3-5.
[10]What is sneaking up on you? Begin repattering now. Betrayal.
[11]A symbol of an impending attack from an enemy, Prov. 1:11
[12]See Also: Hide, wait, ambuscade, blind etc.
[13]An ambush for an assiduous student in a dream, means acquirmg knowledge and it could be interpreted as spoiling the performance of one’s religion. -