Approval. Vanity based on fear of rejection or success. Often a sign of avoiding criticism.
One is surrounded by envy and jealousy.
A warning not to be so vain. Also an expression of the need for recognition. You should compliment yourself and others. In any case, you want others to pay attention to you. What are you doing to make it happen?
[1]To hear applause in your dream, indicates that you are seeking acclaim and recognition. You need to acknowledge yourself in some area or situation in your life.
If you dream that you are clapping, you must learn to love yourself more.
[2]Approval, recognition, validation, acceptance, or appreciation somewhere in your life (or a desire for such).
An indication of enjoyment or being entertained.
See Also: Audience, Performing, Theater, St, ing Up, Bowing, Love
[3]1. A good job.
2. Desire to be acknowledged for what one has accomplished.
3. The need for love (“like waves of love coming across the footlights”—all about eve).
[4]To dream that you receive the open approval of your friends and neighbours is an omen of contrary. Beware of family quarrels or separation from some friend, due to ill feeling.
[5]Pat on the head from guidance; self-appreciation for a job well-done, whether great or small. Enhancing selfesteem or the need to do so.
[6]Dreams of applause symbolize your desire for approval and positive feedback or to give praise, recognition and acknowledgment .
[7]A dream of contrary.
There is some ill- feeling and/or jealousy around you but you can overcome it if you try a bit of tact
[8]Accept credit without taking on vanity and arrogance. Repattern these personality traits for your own benefit. Reproach.
[9]Giving oneself recognition or the desire for recognition.
[10]Desire for acclaim or giving oneself acclaim.