If somebody is hugging you: don’t be distant because there is a good chance that these “arms” might be of help to you; somebody (a friend) might offer you a helping hand. Seeing yourself with arms stronger than they actually are: difficult times and hard work is ahead! If your arms or the arms of others are densely covered by hair: money is pouring in. Breaking your arms: family fights and squabbles and also a warning against careless actions. Dreaming about having one arm missing: you are suffering from painful inhibitions. Dreaming about being poor: be prepared for disappointments.
Depth Psychology: The image of the arm represents your ability to express your emotions, thoughts, or needs, and to either realize or destroy them.
[1]1- We use our arms in all sorts of different ways, and in dreams it is often significant to note what is actually taking place. We may be defending ourselves, fighting, being held or acknowledging.
2- Arms in the sense of weapons are used to protect and defend. In olden times, there were quite a series of rituals to do with the Page becoming the Knight and making the transit from the arms-bearer to the user.
3- The arm signifies surrender, wisdom, or action.
[2]Our ability to love, give, take, create, defend, reach out. lniury to: loss of confidence; loss of or psychological trauma regarding abilities. Left arm is the supportive feelings. Right arm is extroverted activity. Tied up: sense of restriction to activities. Bicep: strength; sense of being capable. Idioms: chance one’s arm; give one’s right arm; arm twisting, keep at arm’s length, with open arms, one arm tied behind back, babe in arms; strong arm tactics.
[3]To dream of losing the right arm signifies the death of father, son or brother; of the left arm, of the mother, daughter or sister.
To dream that the arms are withered predicts suffering in health and fortune; that they have grown strong indicates success.
The latter part of this interpretation is obviously based upon physical stimuli, and the conditions of the body may be deduced therefrom.
[4]Material aspects: It is worth noting the significance of the placing of the arms.
If they are placed across the chest we are defending ourselves.
If we are held in or by someone else’s arms it suggests a need for security.
A coat of arms or other such insignia suggests a form of recognition. Also consult the entries for body, sword and weapons.
[5]Psychological / emotional perspective: Arms – in the sense of weapons – are used to protect and defend. In olden times there were quite a series of rituals and stages of initiation with the page becoming the knight and making the transition from the arms bearer to the user of weapons. Dreams can mirror these initiatory rituals.
[6]Arms extend or reach out. Thus, a broken arm may indicate an inability to reach out to someone or extend yourself to others. It may also represent the inability to get your work out into the world. Carrying something in your arms signifies presenting something to the world.
[7]We use our arms in all sorts of different ways. In dreams we may be defending ourselves, fighting or being held. We may also be showing passionate commitment. You might also like to consult the individual entry for arms.
[8]Arms are significant as a symbol of surrender, wisdom or action. One arm upraised denotes commitment but sometimes also suggests vengeance. Two arms raised sideways signify supplication; raised forwards suggest welcome.
[9]Arms are the functional and creative extensions of the body, allowing one to hold and embrace one’s desires.
If the arms are obstructed in any way, a loss of one’s power and ability may be indicated.
[10]Arms symbolize friendship and your ability to relate to others. To see yourself without arms reveals a serious emotional problem.
[11]Represent one’s ability to bear the fruit of their labor, as the branches of a tree bear fruit
[12]To dream your arms are withered is a certain sign that you will decay in health and fortune. To dream they are grown strong, signifies that some unexpected success will attend you, To dream your right arm is cut off, denotes you will lose some near male relation; to dream your left arm is cut off, denotes you will lose some near female relative. For a married woman to dream her arms have grown lusty and strong, denotes that she will have many male children, that her husband will arrive at public honors, and will grow rich and make many friends.
[14]lucky numbers: 09-13-15-17-34-47
accident with: il health in family.
amputated, left, being: part of yourself needs reconstructive energy.
right: death of a male part of your personality; no longer an indiscriminate giver.
bearing: turning point at which you take control of your destiny.
small: wil have plenty of money that you can’t reach.
thin: soften your tactics to include tact.
breaking an: your loss of confidence causes your family big peril.
broken, both: loss of power to direct your life and extend your self.
broken, a man having: family quarrels.
woman: loss of her husband.
freckles on: displeasing incidents wil be implied.
hairs, covered with: wil be very rich.
having big: the power to construct or destroy is within you.
muscles: your accomplishments don’t extend to your ful potential.
skin disease on: wil work hard without profit.
hugging you: a new friend wil be a resource.
of own: victory over enemies.
one arm missing, having: your creativity is inhibited.
pain in your: unlucky in business.
Popeye’s: have overstated your authority.