Dreaming that you have arthritis when you don’t in real life can represent: Feeling less adaptable, responsive, or flexible somehow in your life (physically, emotionally, or mentally).
The idea of self-sabotage or holding yourself back from progress or success.
Feeling that you’re being too hard on yourself mentally (judging yourself) or physically (expecting too much of your body).
Feeling old, tired, or weak right now.
See Also: Joint, Pain, Aging, Age, Illness
[1]Having arthritis in a dream may indicate that you lack the desire or ability to move forward with your purpose or cannot act on your dreams for fulfillment.
The inflamed joints associated with arthntis may suggest an aggravation that is crippling an individual’s ability to act. Arthritis may also appear as a sign of a possible illness, which may need to be medically treated.
[2]Dreams of arthritis symbolize that you are having difficulty asking for what you really want, that you are resisting reaching for your dreams and that you may be feeling undeserving of your aspirations.
[3]Suppression; immobilizing self through rigid attitudes and beliefs. Lack of verbalization of feelings and needs. Self-punishment.
[4]To dream of having arthritis actually means that your problems are very minor and should not be stressed about.
[5]1. Inflamed within Eccl. 7:26;
2. Bitterness/unforgiveness; Jer. 4:18
3. Bondage; Matt. 22:13.
[6]A dream of contrary.
Your ailments are very minor indeed.