This dream may symbolize a rebirth in your life. However, it may also mean that you are about to experience a lucid dream. In this case, your consciousness awakens in the oneiric scene and you can be part of it at will. Lucid dreams can help you increase your creativity or solve your psychological problems. For example, if someone is chasing you, you have the option to turn around and face the fear that haunts you. Native Americans applied this technique centuries ago to promote self-knowledge.
Dreaming that you are walking through a beautiful landscape denotes better times after a difficult period. Many people cultivate the ability to wake up in dreams in order to gain information about the future. One method of achieving this is to imagine that you are in a time machine. The dream will come on in the calendar as you indicate, and your mind will receive relevant premonitions.
[1]You are becoming more aware of yourself or certain characteristics. Or your fear of waking up to something dreadful (a bad surprise). Reflects a positive development in awareness, new perspectives, desire for something new, a new beginning, as in Opening, Baby, Birth.
[2]If you see yourself waking up in a dream, you can anticipate much happiness coming towards you.
To dream of an awakening of the spirit denotes many friends who will stand by you through thick and thin.
[3]If you dream of waking from sleep, this may be a symbol of a new awareness that is either already dawning in your life or needs to be allowed to dawn.
[4]A dream of waking up while still dreaming may indicate awakening to new states of consciousness in ideas and creativity.
[5]1. Discernment; Eph. 5:14
2. Attentive to wiles of the devil; Rom. 13:11-14;
3. Watchman; sober; 1 Thess. 4:6
[6](Rising-up) To see oneself waking up from sleep in a dream means steadfastness, serious repentance, success in one’s business and returning home from a journey.