Universal Landscape: Deep secrets. Hidden or unconscious thoughts.
Dreaming Lens: Were you in the basement? Were you considering a trip to the basement? If so, were you frightened at the prospect? Was there enough light to see? Did you know what was down there? Were you familiar with the basement? Was it finished, or unfinished space?
Personal Focus: Houses represent the Self. Therefore, the basement would be the Self below the Self. As such, any dream of a basement connects with unconscious material and anything that lurks below the surface of the psyche. Since many basements are dark and gloomy, they can have an aura of menace about them. This notion is exploited in the media, such as scary basements in films where no one escapes unharmed, making the symbolic meaning of this image connect to the Shadow and those things we are afraid of in life.
Avoiding the basement in a dream indicates a fear of exploring the unknown. If you know what is down there and that makes you feel ill at ease, your dream is letting you know that you are aware of what hidden issues are being avoided. If you are in the basement and filled with fear, you may be going through a process that is scary, but perhaps unavoidable. Trying to leave a basement might parallel the waking mind’s desire to be finished with a dark period in life. If the person who is trapped is not you, use the Character Aspect technique to examine what hidden traits within yourself are beginning to emerge and need attention.
If you dream of a basement that is not dark and scary, you are still in the realm of things that are hidden or private, but perhaps not frightening. While this could symbolize previous conflicts that have been resolved, it could also point to Shadow material that is being covered up. Be vigilant in your investigation, for whatever happens below the surface will eventually impact what appears above.
[1]The house generally represents your psychological and emotional self. Each part of the house may deal with a different part of you.
The basement is built first.
It is often below ground (or at least some parts of it), and is essentially the foundation of the house. Dreaming about a basement and understanding the dream, may provide you with valuable information which may lead to greater self-awareness.
A recurring dream about basements (i.e. being in a basement, cleaning a basement, furnishing a basement, etc.) should not be ignored. These dreams may be symbolic of your unconscious, instincts and intuition, and degree of awareness of a current situation or a problem.
The look of the basement may provide you with clues about your current feelings and state of contentment.
If the basement is a mess, and you see great disorder and clutter, it suggests that you may be experiencing confusion and that it is a very good time to sort things out emotionally and psychologically. At times, the activities which are going on in the basement of your dream may be based on past experiences or childhood memories. As with all dreams, their main purpose seems to be to bring the dreamer to higher consciousness so that he may deal with his current issues more effectively, rather than to dwell on the past.
See Also: House.
[2]Buildings represent the personality of the dreamer, and the basement, equally as with other underground spaces, is a symbol of the interior of the body, the deepest levels of the mind. Because of this, it is associated with the hidden part of your being, that which is guarded closely from strangers.
It is the place of your fears, problems, and feelings of guilt or regret. Once you manage to bring light to this place, there will be nothing that can resist you. In terms of dreams, dreaming of a basement full of food or treasures means that you have the sufficient resources to resolve your problems. You will not need to ask for external help. In contrast, if you glimpse a basement full of pottery, you may be mistakenly judging your situation, you should abstain from participating in unclear issues.
Popular superstition says that dreaming of a basement full of wine signifies that you will get great benefits in an unreliable manner.
[3]A dream about the basement is connecting you to deep secrets, hidden or unconscious thoughts.
A house represents the self, and therefore the basement would be the self below the self. As such, any dream of a basement connects with unconscious material and anything that lurks below the surface of your psyche. Since many basements are dark and gloomy, they can have an aura of menace about them. This notion is exploited in the media—such as scary basements in films where no one escapes unharmed—making the symbolic meaning of this image connect to the shadow and those things we are afraid of in life.
[4]Vision: Walking into a basement means you need a lot of patience and perseverance in the coming weeks. Living in the basement: lead a more thrifty life and curtail your spending habits—poverty is close at hand. Looking at a caved-in basement: bad luck.
Depth Psychology: The basement is a symbol of the unconscious, but also of the foundation of your life, where you keep what needs to be finished. Fear and danger lurk in these dark regions of your soul.
The other images in the dream are very important.
See Also: Cave, Grotto, House, Tomb.
[5]Your subconscious mind.
Subconscious or basic instincts or desires.
Something that you keep hidden or that’s not intended for public knowledge.
Storing or holding onto things long term (such as grudges or outdated beliefs).
For more clues, consider what was going on in the basement and how you felt about it.
See Also: Upstairs, Floor, House, Building, Underground, Descending, Stairs, Low, Under, Storage
[6]Dreams of a basement symbolize your unconscious desire to embrace your shadow. Secrets, sexual obsessions and desires are hidden in the basement of your subconscious mind and it can be worthwhile and empowering to investigate and excavate the treasures buried here.
See Also: Goddess Persephone, Integration Dreams.
[7]To dream about being in a basement represents your subconscious and sense of intuition. It shows how content you are in the subconscious realm.
To dream about a cluttered basement is an indication of conflicted feelings over some issue. It could also symbolize flaws that you see in yourself.
A scary place where, according to Jung, we lose our soul or rediscover it.
It is the unconscious, the dark, the impenetrable, that which we repress.
The foundation of your life.
A longing for greater security.
You are coming into contact with your unconscious.
[9]To dream that you are in a basement, symbolizes your unconscious mind and intuition.
If the basement is clean and neat, you are happy and well-adjusted.
If the basement is dark and spooky or messy and dirty, you are unhappy with your life right now.
[10]If you are in the basement or cellar of a house or building, you are working with sexual energy, understanding your sexual awareness and expression. People, objects and experiences reflect your use of sexual energy, degree of openness or suppression.
[11]The basement of a house represents a dark place where things are stored and may be hidden. Therefore, entenng the basement may mean that you are ready to face your fears, acknowledge your basic insecunties, or confront other hidden feelings.
[12]1. Foundational issues,
2. Things happening below the surface that is hidden or unseen.
3. Basement, cracked wall problems in the “foundation”
4. Depression; Prov. 5:5; Matt. 11:23
[13]To dream that you are in a basement, foretells that you will see prosperous opportunities abating, and with them, pleasure will dwindle into trouble and care.
See Also: Cellar.
[14]1. The unconscious mind.
2. Confusion (messy, in need of organization).
3. Therapeutic purge, loss of old behaviors (spring cleaning, reorganization).
[15]Dreaming of being in a basement indicates you feel the need to retreat to safety; you need a refuge from your stress.
[16]You need to be firm about refusing plans which don’t really appeal to you.
See Also: Cellar.
[17]See Also: basement, cellar under house, build- ings.
[18]An abased location at the lowest level of security
[19]Foundational programming.
[20]See Also: Cellar
[22]lucky numbers: 08-14-21-30-32-39
entering a: you wil benefit from several years of a frugal life
foundations crumbling: get new references to your degree of openness or suppression.
house collapsed into: too bad you bought the furniture first.
seeing a: poor circulation in your feet is a sign of gout.
trapped in a: your deepest feelings beg to be understood.
water seeping in: reestablish your credit base.
working in your: your patience wil pay dividends.