Their presence often elicits fear, because it is an animal that lives in the dark. But in China, it is a symbol of happiness and long life. However, we usually associate it with fear and midnight. Bats share the symbolism of sexual desire with the devil. In oneiric terms, however, often they represent someone who wearing down the dreamer and causing him to lose self-confidence. There is also a claustrophobic element (bats live in caves and in the dark). Perhaps you are afraid of confronting something related to your emotional life.
This dream portends disaster. Bats predict injury and death. Because of their blindness, these animals are also considered oracles warning against eye problems. Other superstitions say that carrying a bat bone is the best antidote for bad luck. And in some parts of Europe, people believe that carrying the right eye of a bat inside a vest pocket grants invisibility.
[1]See Also: Vampire
1- Because popular belief has it that bats are frightening, to dream of bats indicates that there are thoughts and ideas within the unconscious that may reveal themselves with frightening potential.
Dreaming of a cricket bat or other such implement will give an indication of our attitude to controlled aggression, or to how we deal with external forces.
2- To dream of bats attacking us shows the need to confront fears of madness. We are not able to use implements such as cricket or baseball bats without some kind of training. ‘I’o dream of using such a bat indicates a learnt degree of competence.
3- A Hying bat can represent discernment or obscurity of a spiritual kind.
The obscurity may also suggest some idiosyncrasy within ourselves.
[2](See Also: Animals, Birds, Flying)
An ability to traverse “darkness” of a figurative nature, but one that may not be recognized. Native Americans believe these creatures are guides because of their uncanny navigation abilities.
See Also: where the bat is taking you, watch closely the path by which you go.
If the bat is you, or you have bat ivings, it’s likely a type of flying dream.
In Babylonia and South Africa, bats are thought to carry souls. So, this might be an Out- of-Body Experience, or a message from a departed person.
In China, an emblem of good luck and happiness.
[3]Most bats are nocturnal predators and just thinking about these mysterious creatures gives most people an uneasy feeling (unless you are a bat lover, which is rare). Bats may be considered mysterious and unpredictable. When you are interpreting this dream, look carefully at the details and your emotional reactions to the events in the dream. This dream may be related to discrete or covert behaviors. Your unconscious mind may be relating feelings to you in regard to behaviors which you or someone else prefers to keep a secret.
[4]You are exploring the darker, more hidden side of your nature.
The bat is capable of navigating through the night and without the benefit of sighted vision; as such, the bat represents your consciousness of what can be found when you trust the darker side of your nature. In dreams, the shadow (as represented by nighttime) is the most valuable area for truly understanding who you are, so the presence of a bat in your dreams indicates that this exploration is getting assistance from the unknown.
(1) As a creature of the night and - for many people - frightening, a bat may symbolize something in vour unconscious, possibly some part of you that has been repressed because of its association with an early traumatic experience.
(2) Alternatively, it might symbolize intuitive wisdom. (The bat seems to navigate without the aid of ordinary vision.)
A cricket or baseball bat may symbolize either male sexuality or aggressiveness.
[6]Psychological / emotional perspective: To dream of bats attacking us shows the need to confront our fears of madness. Because of their mouselike bodies and birdlike wings, bats are seen as having a dual nature. When the image is of a sports bat, such as cricket or baseball bat, the suggestion is that we are not able to use implements without some kind of training.
To dream of using such a bat indicates a learnt degree of competence.
[7](baseball, cricket and other sports)
Unless one’s dream flows directly out of associations with actual games and bats—either in childhood or in the present—the usual connotations of a stick with which one hits things is that of violence and aggression, though it can sometimes represent authority. Traditional psychiatrists also view anything long and straight—especially something like a bat—as a symbol of the male principle.
Having a special gift or “secret weapon” (as bats use echolocation).
Having a higher perspective or understanding.
The ability to adapt in order to excel.
Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.
Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.
[9]Vision: Dreaming about a bat: be less fickle and don’t take advantage of other people. Seeing several bats means you are worried about your debts, but business is slowly going to improve.
Depth Psychology: The bat is a symbol of the darker side of your personality, of which you are as yet unaware.
If you do some investigating, you will learn a lot about yourself
[10]To see bats in your dream, symbolizes uncleanness and annoyances.
A dream of being chased by bats symbolizes that you need to let go of old habits, because your current way of life no longer suits your new growth and outlook.
Dreaming of a vampire bat means that a person in your life may be draining your of self-confidence and/or your resources. Also see “Baseball Bat”.
[11]A flying bat can represent discernment or obscurity of a spiritual kind.
The meaning is often ambiguous, but being a nocturnal animal usually veers towards the negative interpretation.
The vague unpleasantness may also suggest some idiosyncrasy within ourselves.
A bat used in sports has the same interpretation as a weapon or tool.
Bats symbolize the powers of the unknown or of the unconscious. Negatively, they can represent fear, the threatening power of the unknown, and, traditionally, death. Positively, as creatures who are quite at home in the dark, bats can also indicate the skill and knowledge to face the unknown and / or the unconsciousness.
[13]If you dream of a baseball bat, this is a symbol of either a weapon to defend yourself with, or this is a message to knock your challenges out of the ballpark.
A bat is also a phallic symbol.
If you dream of a flying bat, see Vampire, otherwise, see Sports.
[14]1. Darkness and obscurity (as in “creature of the night”).
2. Fear and misfortune.
3. Twilight or end of situation.
4. Recovery from illness (white bat).
5. Happiness and long life (china).
6. Uncleanliness.
[15]The augury is dependent on how you reacted to the bat If you were frightened by it you should avoid indiscreet discussion of your affairs; but if you were not afraid of it you will be offered a new proposition which will be profitable.
[16]A bat flying around means that all your small problems will be cleared up very quickly and easily.
If the bat is at rest, hanging upside down, then what seem like small problems now may later develop into big ones.
[17]The symbol for Vampire, sucking out, being sucked dry. Dull, compulsive, dangerous emotions. On the other hand, this dream symbol expresses great sensibility, having radar-like skills and useful instincts.
[18]Treachery is clearly shown when you dream about these curious nocturnal creatures. Beware of discussing your plans. Do not lend money and avoid all speculation.
[19]Thoughts or influences emerging from the unconscious; fear of the unconscious. Cricket or baseball bat: male sexuality; aggression, defensiveness.
[20]Bats can see in the dark suggesting thoughts or influences that emerge from our intuition or inner wisdom.
[21](bat like creature) symbolic of a demonic entity, an unclean animal, Lev. 11:19
[22]Represents an unenlightened person with a negative and oppressive personality
[23](zool.) By God’s leave, a bat was one of the many signs of God’s prophet Jesus son of Marry, upon both of them be peace. In a dream, a bat may represent a monk. It also means glad tidings for a pregnant woman. Seeing a bat in a dream is not considered as a good omen for a traveller.
If a bat flies into a house in a dream, it means the demolition of that house or the separation of that family.
A bat in one’s dream also represents a witch, or an unjust person who may have suffered from deprivation in his childhood.
A bat in a dream also signifies blindness, heedlessness, a child of adultery, or a bastard son. In a dream, a bat also means hiding from people because of one’s evildoing, such as theft or eavesdropping. Seeing a bat in a dream also means the end of enjoying blessings and not acknowledging their true provider.
A bat in one’s dream also means having to change one’s living standards.