Receiving happy surprises, means a multitude of high accomplishments. Working people will advance in their trades. Giving birthday presents, denotes small deferences, if given at a fe^te or reception.
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
Receiving happy surprises, means a multitude of high accomplishments. Working people will advance in their trades. Giving birthday presents, denotes small deferences, if given at a fe^te or reception.
[1]To dream of a birthday is a signal of poverty and falsehood to the young, to the old, long trouble and desolation....
Learn more about the meaning of BirthdayTo receive presents in your dreams, denotes that you will be unusually fortunate.See Gifts. ...
Learn more about the meaning of PresentCelebratory of a person’s life and growth.If the cake is half-baked or burnt it symbolizes worthlessness Hosea 7:8...
Learn more about the meaning of Birthday Cake1- When a present appears in a dream, it can first of all be a play- on words. We arc being given a ‘here and now’. We are being reminded to live in the moment, and not the pas...
Learn more about the meaning of Present / PresentsReceiving: being affirmed; feeling recognised or loved; gaining something from a relationship. Giving: giving of self, negative or positive; making love; if it is a present actuall...
Learn more about the meaning of PresentsRelationships to the outside world should be improved.It is a matter of sharing joy and the joy of sharing. Life as a gift.See Birthday....
Learn more about the meaning of Gift / PresentTo be at a party means that you will be meeting with your lover the following day, and will have a wonderful lime....
Learn more about the meaning of Christmas Party / Birthday Party