(1) A black hole or dark depths - for example, an unlit cellar or a deep well or oceanic depths - may represent the unconscious. This blackness mav be frightening, so long as the unconscious remains alien and unfamiliar. However, black can also be warm and comforting - which is whv insomniacs arc sometimes advised to close their eyes and imagine themselves wrapped.round in black velvet.
If you begin to trust your unconscious (which means trusting Nature), each previously horrifying or disgusting part of your unconscious will show itself in a new light, as something vou need for personal fulfilment. Putting vour consciousness
into the unconscious - becoming aware of it - means putting more and more light into the darkness.
If a star or other bright light appears in the blackness, this may be seen as a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, that is, as a symbol of the ‘illumination’ - new wisdom or insight - that may be achieved by dwelling a while in the unconscious and making its better acquaintance.
(2) Black (particularly for white people) may symbolize evil.
If so, bear in mind that, as a general rule, what appears in your dreams is always some part of you, and that the so-called ‘evil’ (and therefore repressed) parts of you are really evil only if, because of neglect, they become rebellious, or if you let them take control away from your conscious self. These ‘evil’ things are transformed into good things - creative, and bringing fuller life, happiness and wholeness - when conscious and unconscious interact and establish a harmonious working relationship.
NB It is only Judaism, Christianity and Islam that have a thoroughgoing dualism of good and evil, and a matching moral dogmatism. In the earliest known forms of religion, and in traditions (such as the Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist traditions) that have not cut themselves off from their early roots, good and evil are opposite but equally necessary’ components of reality; and in mystical traditions (including Jewish, Christian and Islamic mysticism) even God is described as a coming together of opposites - good and evil, but also masculine and feminine.
(3) A person dressed in black may represent vour shadow.
(4) A black-skinned person (if you are white-skinned) may represent either the shadow or closeness to Nature.
(5) A black animal probably represents some unconscious repressed drive or emotion.
If the animal is fierce, this possibly means that something yrou have repressed is now urgently pressing you to give it your conscious attention and let it have some expression in your w aking life.
(6) Blackness (as in a black night, etc.) may simply signify’ diminished visibility, in which case the meaning of the dream may have something to do w ith a loss of orientation in your life. Do vou feel you don’t know’ which w’ay to go; or that you don’t hav e the energy’ or will to go in any direction? If so, make a pact w ith v our unconscious to die effect that, if it will tell you where you have the potential - and the need - to go, you will respond accordingly in your life. Then pav close attention
to the dreams that follow. (If you go the next few nights without dreaming - or, more precisely, without recalling any dreams - this probably means that you are backing out of the pact and setting up a defence against what you fear your unconscious might have to tell you.)
(7) Black may symbolize despair or deep depression.
If so, follow the advice given in (6) above.
(8) In many parts of the world black is associated with death.
It is possible, therefore, that this is what the colour signifies in your dream. Bear in mind, however, that death in a dream may refer to something internal: the ‘death’ - or the giving up - of something within you (for example, some irrational fear, or other negative attitude or emotion).
See Also: Death.
[1]Black is viewed as a symbol of death and mourning in many cultures, and when it appears in dreams it is linked with feelings of sadness, loss and even passivity. Its appearance may also represent the death of old ideas, or some other aspect of change. Another possible explanation is that it represents a hidden or rejected aspect of the dreamer, as it is also the color of mystery, the unconscious and sometimes even protection. Some dream analysts refer to the shadowy effects of black in dreams, suggesting that they are symbols of the dreamer’s shadow or of an unfulfilled part of their life. It may therefore symbolize absolute recklessness and disregard of life, without considering or caring about the consequences.
If black predominates in a dream, consider taking a rational and reasonable approach in waking life
A black coffin in a dream may represent the end of a friendship and the dream may force the dreamer to re-evaluate the friendship, or let it go.
[2]The darker sides of life connect with the color black. Though it is thought of as the absence of color to some, in the world of physics, black is actually the presence of all colors in the object that embodies it.
It is the color that absorbs the most light, retains heat, and is associated with death, as it is the opposite of life-affirming white. As the color of mourning, black clothing represents the social construct of receiving consolation in some cultures. When we are in mourning, we are surrounded by people who share in our sadness. In the same way that a black shirt will absorb all wavelengths of sunlight, a person in mourning wears black in order to absorb the light from those who surround him or her. In the world of fashion, black has a connotation of being trendy and sophisticated. Nighttime is when blackness reigns, bringing secrecy and the ability to hide into this color’s symbolic meaning.
[3]The unconscious, unknown; hidden or avoided, the unaccepted side of self, not being aware, depression; fear, death. Also the eanhy, or source of life and growth. What is hidden in the unconscious or body can be powerfully transformative. Black clothes or undergarments: hidden or unconscious feelings or sexuality. Black animals: unconscious drives and urges.
See Also: dark.
[4](See Also: Color, Blindness, Darkness) Mourning or depression.
Feeling lost, obstructed, blinded, or overwhelmed by fear.
In some beliefs, the color of evil or negativity.
The source is something that you must determine here. Is it within or without?
The subconscious, or the other side of self that we have trouble facing (See Also: Shadow).
[5]Black is the color of the unconscious, of sinking into darkness, or mourning. Black is masculine, night, unsettling, and unconscious.
Depth Psychology: Black is the color of limitation, mourning, taboo, magic, hardness, conservatism, old age, inhibition, restriction, melancholy, defense, and sacrifice.
[6]Black represents the power of the darkness, the unconscious, what is hidden, and the manifest power of the earth. It may represent grief or morbidity. Black is also considered the color of death. Wearing a black dress in your dreams may suggest mourning, while a black hat suggests having good manners.
[7]A symbol of emotional stagnation or a depiction of the unconscious or the unknown. Grief and death, but also magical power and fertility. In earlier books about dreams, black animals are always seen in an unfavorable light, while white animals are always considered positive images.
[8]The color black represents fear, the absence of light, and ignorance.
It is also associated with death, pain, and sadness. When this color predominates in a dream, it means you are being brought down by pessimism and confusion. (See Also: DESERT, MIDNIGHT, DEATH)
[9]The color black can represent: Solemnity or formality.
“Dark” emotions.
Mourning a loss.
Basic or conservative.
Night, darkness, or stealth.
The unknown.
The absence of light, color, or emotion.
See Also: Darkness, Color, Night
[10]To see the color of black in your dream represents disapproval in a person or situation. It also stands for darkness, isolation, and unimportance. Black can also symbolize concealment, dishonesty, or the end of life.
[11]Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble will be yonrs if you dreamed of anything black, unless you saw it at a funeral, in which case it predicts success, especially in love affairs.
See Also: Colors.
[12]Dreams of the color black symbolize that which is mysterious, secretive, seductive, unknowable; a shadow aspect of your power that has not yet been realized.
See Also: Integration Dreams.
[13]1. + BEAUTIFUL
5. – EVIL
6. – LACK
7. – SIN
10. – DEATH
A rough road ahead. Something that the dreamer needs to know. In extreme cases, a death - BUT THE DREAMER’S DEATH IS NEVER SHOWN. Astrological parallel: Scorpio
[15]Black symbolizes the unknown, the unconscious, danger, mystery and malice.
If you feel happy in the dream, the blackness could imply hidden spirituality and divine qualities.
[16]1. Sorrow and mourning.
2. Absorbing energy (black absorbs light, producing heat, energy).
3. Sober, austere (like the clothing of a minister or priest).
[17]This is an unfortunate colour when seen in a dream, unless it is in connection with a funeral, when it becomes a dream of contrary.
[18]Unconscious, unknown parts of self, sometimes those we have rejected through fear.
See Also: Color.
[19]Holds within it all colour in potential. It suggests manifestation, negativity and judgement.
[21]lucky numbers: 07-15-19-23-46-49
animals: transformation of unconscious drives.
earth: inner ability you are unaware of is rich with possibilities.
seeing: obstructions through ignorance of that which you rejected through fear.
shadow, the: repressed facets of your personality screaming for attention.
wearing: an unfortunate depression over differences of opinion.
[22]The color black in a dream means prosperity and happiness. In a dream, everything black represents money, dominion and power and particularly for those who are used to wearing black. Otherwise, as for those who are not used to wearing black garments, wearing it in a dream means sorrow.