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Boar Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 19 Unique Sources About Boar

boar image

(1) If the boar in vour dream strikes you as ferocious, perhaps it represents some part of you that is struggling for recognition, some buried instinct or desire that is defying your attempts to kill it. Perhaps its defiance is justified: perhaps you need precisely that part of you that now appears so wild and threatening.

It is threatening only because it is

threatened! Talk to it, and listen to it; then it may reveal itself as a valuable aide in your quest for happiness or fuller self-realization.

(2) If you associate fertility with the boar, the symbolism may be straightforwardly sexual. On the other hand, the fertility in question may be of a more metaphorical kind: the giving of life to those repressed parts of yourself that frighten you. (Yes, ferocity symbolism may coexist with sexual or fertility symbolism, just as in real life aggression is often mixed in with our sexuality’.) These hidden repressed things may be desires or instinctive drives associated in your life with some traumatic experience.

(3) It may be the animality of the boar that strikes you. The animality’ probably refers to the primitiveness or social unacceptableness of some repressed and buried part of your psyche (See Also: Animal). Animality’ symbolism, ferocity symbolism and fertility symbolism may all combine in the boar image. That which frightens you by its animality’ may be precisely what you need if you are to get rid of an inner conflict and find peace or fulfilment.

(4) If you associate evil with the boar image, the evilness may be in the eye of the beholder. In other words, if the boar has sexual overtones for you, its evilness may represent your own (irrational, repressed) feelings of abhorrence, disgust, fear or guilt about sex.

If so, you might want to dig into your past to discover the roots of those feelings. Ask the unconscious to assist you in the search, and pay special attention to your dreams over the next week or two.

(5) The boar may represent an aggression that you have not come to terms with in yourself. Aggressiveness may be a good thing - if tamed and properly employed.

If it is Svild’, however, it can seriously damage vour relationships with other people. And, strangely enough, aggressiveness is frequendv directed against oneself: in fact, sadism usually has its roots in masochism. So do take notice of vour dreams, to discover the sources of any aggression you encounter in yourself. Have a dialogue with the boar and find out w hat he wants. Sometimes aggressiveness may be traced back to an Oedipal conflict. In the case of a male, the infant desire for mother and accompanying jealousy tow ards father mav give rise to guilt-feelings which in turn may generate a compulsion to punish oneself The masochistic desire to hurt oneself may then spill over into sadistic desires to hurt other people, particularly those close to us. All this may occur at an unconscious level, so that it is onlv by taking a look at our unconscious (in dreams) that wre can unravel the thread of cause and effect.


Like most animals, its symbolic meaning is versatile. On one side, it represent intrepidity and irrational bravery; on the other, it is a symbol of a lack of restraint. Given that it is difficult to fight the boar (he never gives up), the dream is indicating that if you repress your desires, your instincts will make your life impossible. Using the strength of the boar, you will be able to attain all that you wish. It represents free sexual impulse, not controlled by the conscious; that is, the libido, which is like the boar, is uncontrollable, violent, and irrational.

As a negative symbol, the boar represents the oneiric personification of cruel and ruthless enemies.

If in the dream the boar is captured or conquered, it portends joy and triumph.


See Also: Animals, Pig

1- One of the wavs in which the dream mind can bring matters to our attention is by a play on words, and since not many people have contact with the animal boar, for this to appear in a dream usually indicates ‘a bore’.

2- By its association with feasting and festivals, the boar can represent lust and gluttony.

3- Abundance and vitality. By- association with mythology and children’s fables it can also represent evil.




Volatile or easy to anger.


Dreaming of this animal can represent too much or not enough of one of those qualities, or someone or something you associate with the quality or animal.

Consider also the animal’s actions, context, and your feelings about it.

See Also: Animal, Pig


Vision: A boar appearing in your dream is a warning: someone around you is hostile. Seeing a boar in the woods or meeting one: a specific incident will undermine and destroy your trust in another person.

See Also: Pig.

Depth Psychology: The boar in a dream stands for strong erotic desires.

See Also: Animals.


The wild boar is an aggressive and potentially dangerous animal.

As a cliché, the boar is used to depreciate the personality of some people; e.g., the statement, “they are such a boar.” Perhaps the dreamer is bored by a person or a situation (or have they become the boar?)


Beware of business associates.

If vou dream of being chased by a boar, you will encounter a bitter enemy.

To go on a boar hunt is to labor uselessly.

To kill a boar is to gam a victory over your enemies.


To see a boar in your dream is an indication that you should examine the characteristics and personalities of yourself and others more closely. Think about the play on words ‘they are a bore.’


To see a boar in your dream means that you need to look inside yourself to find the answers and secrets about you and the people around you. It may also mean you are bored in a relationship.


Storms and tempests are augured by this dream, also trouble caused by evil-minded persons (Artemidorus). A Christian symbol of impurity.

A phallic symbol with the Freudians.


Boars are symbols of the magical spirits that protect the woods.

If they appear in dreams, they can suggest protection from danger and hardship in waking life.


By association with mythology and children’s fables a boar can suggest evil, or rather overbearing aggression. It also suggests abundance and vitality.


Psychological / emotional perspective: The boar was once much associated with feasting and festivals and can thus signify lust and gluttony.


If you chased it or ran from it, be prepared for a disappointment If you killed it, you can expect a promotion* See also Animals.


(To chase a wild one) unsuccessful efforts; (to be chased) separation.


Devourer, a symbol of a curse upon your valuables or property, Ps. 80:13


Animalistic male instincts, as in Buck and Bull.


lucky numbers: 04-08-14-18-25-45

chased by a: unsuccessful efforts to stay separation from lover.

in a meeting: another wil undermine your project.

woods, the: find the source of the hostility around you.

zoo, a: a secret wil soon be revealed, but contained.

killing a: advancement in one’s position.

near the herd: your trust in another is destroyed.


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