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Body Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 27 Unique Sources About Body

body image

The body represents the individual and is his outward physical manifestation of all that he is. In dreams, the body often represents the Ego (See Also: Introduction). Since being ‘physical’ is the baby’s first experience of itself, the body- forms the prime source of information.

Psychologically, most experience is translated into bodily feeling, and therefore becomes a rich source of symbolism in dreams. When emotions cannot be faccd in ordinary everyday life, they very often become distorted dream symbols.

Physical manifestation of an inner spirituality.

Different aspects of the body can have various meanings in dreams.

For example:

To dream of the upper part of the body is to link with the mind and the spiritual aspects of the charactcr, while the lower part of the body represents the instincts and emotional aspects of a character.

An adult’s head on an immature body, or a child’s head on an adult body is an indication that the dreamer needs to recognise the difference between mature thought and emotion.

If there is conflict between the upper and lower part, it indicates that there is disharmony between the mental faculties and instinctive behaviour.

The right side or hand being especially noticeable in dreams signifies we should take note of the logical side of our personality, whereas the left side or left hand indicates we need to be aware of our intuitive, creative side.

Body parts can have relevance as follows:

Abdomen, stomach, belly When the dream appears to concentrate on the abdomen, there is a need to focus 011 emotions and repressed feelings. Anus also see Excrement.

The young child’s first experience of control is as he or she gains control over bodilv functions. In dreams, the mind returns to that experience as a symbol of self- realisation and self-reliance and. more negatively, of suppression and defence. Such a dream therefore is indicating an aspect of childish behaviour or egotism. Arms We use our arms in all sorts of different ways. In dreams we may be defending ourselves, fighting or being held. We may also be showing passionate commitment. Back Dreaming of seeing someone else’s back suggests we should identify the more private elements in our characters. We should also be aware that other people may not at this present time - wish to share their thoughts with us. We may also find that we are vulnerable to the unexpected.

If we dream of turning our backs, we arc rejecting the particular feeling being experienced in the dream. Backbone If the backbone is particularly noticeable in a dream, we should consider the main support structure in our lives. Intellectually; we need to consider our firmness of character. Blood also see individual entry and Menstruation in M Dreaming of blood can have one of two meanings. It can signify that the dreamer feels on some level that a sacrifice is being made. This links into the ancient belief that the blood somehow contained the life of the spirit, and therefore spilt blood was sacred. It can also represent renewal of life through its connection with menstruation. Many- people fear blood, and thus a dream about blood can highlight the need to come to terms with these fears. On a more spiritual level it represents the blood of Christ.

Breasts also see individual entry Usually; to be conscious of breasts in dreams, indicates our connection with the mother figure and our need for nurturing. Such a dream can also indicate a wish to return to being an infant without responsibilities.

Constipation (in life as well as in dreams) Retention signifies an inability to let go of the past or of previous patterns of behaviour, literally to be uptight. Excrement I he dreamer may not have progressed on a subconscious level beyond a feeling that anything to do with bodily functions is dirtv and self-centred.

There may be an element of rebellion in the dreamer’s waking life. Playing with excrement can represent money and value, so playing with it in a dream can highlight anxiety about money, as well as fear of responsibility.

If the excrement is transformed into living animals, maybe rats, the dreamer is coming to terms with the fact that he is responsible for managing his own impulses. Excrement in its more spiritual meaning belongs to the realm of feelings and we may simply be trying to get rid of bad feelings. Those bad feelings can be turned into something worthwhile. Evacuation of the bowel usually highlights our need to be free of worry and responsibility, or possibly the need to learn how to be uninhibited. It can also signify the sexual act.

Eye Any dream to do with the eye is to do with observation and discrimination.

It is indicative of enlightenment and wisdom, protection and stability. It has a connection with the power of light and, in ancient times, of the sun- gods. Through its connection with Egyptian symbolism, the eye is also a talisman. Loss of eyesight signifies the loss of clarity and, depending on which eye, can be either the loss of logic (right eye) or the loss of intuition (left eye). Regaining the eyesight can indicate a return to the innocence and clear-sightedness of the child. Fat To dream of becoming fat is to recognise the need to widen the scope of our activities in some way.

If the dreamer is uncomfortable with his or her size it would indicate fear possibly of taking on too much responsibility or of not being adequate for a task. Hair The hair represents strength and virility. In dreams to be combing the hair is to be attempting to untangle a particular attitude we mav have.

To be having our hair cut is to be trying to create order in our lives.

To be cutting someone else’s hair may be to be curtailing an activity (it is possible that there may be some fear or doubt connected with sexuality).

To be bald in a dream is to perhaps recognise one’s own intelligence. Hand The hands are one of the most expressive parts of the body and signify power and creativity.

The two hands contrasted with each other, a different object in each hand There may be some conflict in the dreamer between his belief and his feelings.

A hand on the breast signifies submission. Clasped hands indicate union or friendship, while clenched hands suggest a threat. Folded hands suggest deep repose, or a state of rest.

The hands covering the eyes generally represent shame or horror, while hands crossed at the wrists suggest that one is being bound.

The open hand represents justice and the laying on of hands signifies healing and blessing particularly if the hand is placed on the neck.

The hands placed together is an indication of dcfencclessness, while placed in someone else’s is an indication of a pledge of service. When the hands are raised this can indicate either adoration, prayer or surrender; if the palms are turned outwards a blessing is being given, while when they are raised to the head the dreamer should give a great deal of thought and care to his situation. Washing the hands suggests innocence or rejection of guilt, while wringing the hands signifies grief.

A huge hand, particularly from the sky suggests that one has been ‘specially chosen’.

The right hand is the ‘power’ hand, while the left is passive and receptive. Sometimes in dreams the left hand can represent cheating. Head The head is considered to be the principle part of the body. Because it is the scat of the life force, it denotes power and wisdom.

Dreaming of the head suggests that we should look very carefully at the way we deal with both intelligence and folly.

To dream of the head being bowed suggests supplication. When the head is covered we may be covering up our own intelligence or acknowledging somebody else’s superiority.

A blow to the head in a dream can indicate that we should reconsider our actions in a particular situation. Heart The heart is the centre of the being and represents ‘feeling’ wisdom rather than intellectual wisdom.

It is also representative of compassion and understanding. Heel This suggests the part of ourselves which is strong but, at the same time, vulnerable. Jaw The jaw often is representative of our self-expression. It also, on a more esoteric level, suggests the opening to the underworld. Kidneys The kidneys are organs of elimination, therefore to dream of them is to be aware of the need for cleansing.

Knees The knees are symbolic of prayer and supplication, and of emotional commitment. Limbs Whether it is partly to do with some kind of cellular memory and the growth process that takes place is uncertain, but in dreams anv limb can be taken to mean sexuality and fears associated with gender issues. Being dismembered can be taken in its literal sense - we are being torn apart. Sometimes this can suggest the need to restructure our lives and begin again. At other times it can indicate that there is a way in which we arc being threatened to the very core of our existence. Liver The liver is representative of irritability and suppressed anger.

Lungs In Chinese medicine the lungs represent grief. They are also involved in decision-making. Spiritually, the lungs are the seat of righteousness, and the source of thoughts concerning the Self. Mouth The mouth represents the devouring, demanding part of ourselves. It can also stand for the receptive side.

The circumstances of the dream may give a clue to the correct interpretation. Sometimes the mouth can svmbolisc the feminine side of our nature. Nose The nose in dreams can stand for curiosity, and also for intuition.

Penis Dreaming of a penis either one’s own or someone else’s usually highlights the attitude to penetrative sex.

Skin Skin in a dream stands for our persona or the facade we create for others. Hard, tough skin shows we have crcatcd a tough exterior, and are trying to protect ourselves.

Stomach -see Abdomen in this section Teeth Popularly, teeth are supposed to stand for aggressive sexuality although more properly they signify the growth process towards sexual maturity. Teeth falling or coming out easily indicates we arc aware of going through some form of transition, similar to that from childhood to maturity, or from maturity to old age and helplessness.

If one is anxious about teeth dropping out il suggests there is a fear of getting old and undesirable, or an anxiety about maturing. In a woman’s dream, if the teeth are swallowed this can signify pregnancy.

Throat Dreaming of the throat denotes awareness of our vulnerability and also of the need for self-expression.

Thumb Dreaming of a thumb suggests awareness of how powerful we are.

The thumb pointing upwards represents beneficial energy, poiting downwards is negative. This latter was used as the death signal for Roman gladiators. Tongue The tongue in dreams often signifies our ability to know- when to speak and when to remain silent. It may also be to do with our own understanding of information that we wish to pass on to other people. We may have deeply felt beliefs we wish to share. Another explanation that is much more basic is that of the symbolism of the serpent and the phallus, and hence sexuality. Urine Urine in a dream often indicates our feelings about emotional control. We may either yield to emotion or bottle it up. How we deal with urine often also tells us a great deal about our own sexuality.

Vagina Most often, dreams of the vagina are to do with one’s self image. In a woman’s dream, il highlights her receptivity. In a man’s dream it suggests his need to be penetrative, both mentally and physically. Womb The womb represents a return to the beginning. We all have need of basic security and shelter, and perhaps to do away with responsibility. Dreams of the womb can signify our need to satisfy those requirements. On a slightly more esoteric level the womb represents our connection with the Great Mother or Mother Earth (See Also: Introduction). Dreams of returning to the womb suggest our need to reconnect with the passive, more yielding side of our nature. We may need a period of self-healing and recuperation.


It refers to oneself, as in the word sorcxehxty. Al­though it includes the totality of our expenence, it seems to be most pointedly referring to our sense of identity. From this sense of ourself we project meaning on to the rest of the world in some degree. Thus many symbols are stylised body forms.

The cross is a standing figure with arms outstretched, a church’s structure a representation of the body, and the mira­cle of sexual reproduction—the mystery enacted within it; a maypole, the penis. Therefore various things can represent our body or aspects of ourself. Seeds, swallowed teeth can be sperm, anything long and pointed, even a linger, can be the penis; anything hairy, a male; anything receptive like a bottle, bowl or cave, a woman or vagina.

A body, or our body, also represents physical life; material existence; the process which causes growth and aging. This includes all the processes of nature in us.

A dead body: our skin or shape is felt as our boundary, the edge of our universe.

The dead body depicts a whole set of personality traits or attitudes, very often potentials, which have been denied life by us. We have not allowed them expression.

A person hun in love might kill out any feelings towards the opposite sex. This ‘dead pan of them can be shown as a body. May also be the way we meet feelings about death. Sickness in body: can refer to an awareness of illness in pan of body shown. Most often depicts psychological problem symbolised by pan of body— see body pans below. Maggots in body: possible need to cleanse body of toxins or infection, sense of dis-ease emotion­ally in that area of self. Iniunes: huns or events that may lead to emotional scars—see body areas below.

See Also: dead people dreams; hiding.

Bodiless: Example: lI felt as if I was going very deep inside myself. It was dark but at first there were noises of the world around me. I seemed to go in much deeper and it was very dark, but with the feeling of great space. Everything was all right until I didn’t hear any noise at all, all that space and no noise was too much and my whole body freaked out and then pulled out very fast before I could stop it’ (Kate P).

The ‘noises’ around us, sensory impressions, other people s ex­pressed feelings and actions, are building bricks for our sense of self. In a real sense we create each other by believing in each other. With prolonged absence of other people and events, and especially if we lose our noises’ and body aware­ness, we feel we—our sense of identity—is dying. Bodiless- ness may therefore show us feeling unrecognised, unnoticed. May also be feelings of loneliness; being cut off from sexuality and body drives. In its positive side it is exploration of the unconscious and void.

See Also: identity, dreams.

If you are right handed, the left of the body: represents inner feelings which support outer action, such as confidence, our less used or supportive functions.

If we are an intellectual, the left might depict one’s feelings, and vice versa.

The left may represent our mother’s influence in our life and body.

The right of the body: our outer activity and dominant func­tions; expressed abilities; our father’s influence in life and body.

If father is an anxious man there might be a lot more signs of stress on this side of the body. Top half of body: thinking, feeling. Bottom half: sexuality and instincts. Half a body: if top missing, lack of thinking and higher emotion; if bottom, trauma to, loss or denial of, sexuality and sensuality. Old head on baby body: immature sexuality and emotions; vice versa: immature personality. Dismembered body: emo­tional or mental stress and breakdown; may be followed by emergence of new self.

The areas of our body are sometimes thought of as sense organs. This may seem strange but is very simple. Without language, communication would be difficult. So language en­ables us to sense what another being is communicating.

If we had been castrated or had a hysterectomy prior to adoles­cence, we would never develop sexually. Without that devel­opment we would not understand two kissing people; or what a mother was feeling when she held her baby. Out of the sex drive develops a whole world of feelings and tenderness which enables us to understand many things we see in the world.

It is therefore important when reading the particular de­scriptions below to remember that each psychological area of our body gives us some insight into ourself and life around us, which is missing if the area is injured or traumatised.


Typically, dreams about the body, or parts of the body, occur for four reasons.

The first is that in waking life, your body and / or body image has taken center stage. For example, if you had a manicure yesterday or cut yourself shaving, your unconscious may simply be recalling that. The second reason is that dreams about your body, or body parts, can signal ailments before you consciously recognize what is wrong with you; sometimes even before there are any physical signs. This isn’t to say every nightmare suggests serious illness, but if you do have a dream about any part of the body that is injured or painful, especially if it is a reoccurring one, it might be worth booking an appointment for a check-up.

The third reason is that some dreams about the human body are simple reflections of the dreamer’s feeling about their own body or appearance. These dreams can be significant markers of the dreamer’s self-esteem regarding their physical appearance.

If in the dream the body appears beautiful and healthy, then the dreamer may be feeling good about themselves. However, an unattractive or unhealthy body could point to signs of insecurity, or body image problems.

The fourth reason is that in dreams, the body often represents the ego, the self or the lifestyle of the dreamer. That is why broken bones or injuries can symbolize emotional pain, or losing parts of yourself. When you lose or give up parts of yourself in order to fit in with or please others, psychologists call this ‘fragmentation’. We all do this to a certain extent in our lives, but when we do it too much or for the wrong reasons, the unconscious may send out warning signals. The dreaming mind may then express its concern in body image dreams, not only about your health and happiness, but about your ability to cope when your true nature is profoundly censored.

For instance, if you dream of missing a hand or foot, or having an organ or other body part removed, this can be a sign that a portion of your potential is being lost as a result of a path you have chosen in waking life. A common dream is one where you lose teeth; this is a great example of your dreaming mind issuing you with a warning. It is asking you just how far you are willing to compromise, and reminding you that what you are losing may be irreplaceable.

If body images appear in your dreams, it can help to think of body-related expressions you may use to describe feelings; for example, ‘I lost my head,’ ‘feels like I’m losing my right arm,’ ‘I don’t have a leg to stand on,’ or ‘can you stomach it?’ When we say these things, we are not being literal. We haven’t lost a leg or an arm, we are expressing an emotional response and our unconscious uses images to express the emotions these phrases convey; typically, a sense of loss of direction, helplessness or confusion. Such dreams often begin to make sense when you view the body images as parts of yourself, and connect their meanings to your emotional responses.



(1) If the body is your own and clothed, it almost certainly represents your ego, your conscious self.

(2) If it is yours and unclothed, the meaning will usually be determined either by the context, that is, the situation in the dream; by what, if anything, you are doing with your body; or by what, in the dream, you are feeling. For example, if you are exposing your private parts to members of the opposite sex, this may signify a desire for sexual relationships; or, if you feel embarrassed at being ‘on view’, it may signify a fear of the other sex.

If there are no sexual connotations, nudity may represent (a feeling of) vulnerability.

See Also: Nudity.

(3) If it is someone clse’s body, the chances are that it represents some (hidden) part of yourself.

If the body is of the opposite sex from you, it may represent vour soul, your anima or animus (See Also: Brother/ Sister, sections (4)-(6)).

harbouring (unconscious) hostile feelings towards someone, or that you are anxious about death.

See Also: Dead/ Death.

(5) For parts of the body see particular entries: for example, Abdomen, Head. Generally speaking, the lower half of the trunk symbolizes sexuality, instincts or the unconscious. The chest may symbolize emotions; but female breasts may also represent sexuality or motherhood, or mother. The head may represent intellect, rational - as disdnet from intuitive - thinking.

If only one of these parts of the body appears in a dream, the meaning may be either that you need to give much more attention and much more scope to that part and the functions associated with it, or that you are currently giving attention and scope exclusively to that part, at the expense of other parts of your psyche. For example, if the head appears on its own, the meaning may be that you are too exclusively intellectual and are giving insufficient expression to your deep needs, feelings or instincts.


Vision: Seeing your own body is a good sign; you are in good shape and can be satisfied with your life.

If you appear too fat or ill: you are dealing with either physical health issues or emotional burdens—get rid of them! If you are looking at a “growing” body—for a man: improvement in his social position; for a young girl: a secret love; for a young woman: pregnancy; for an older woman: receiving something of substance. Taking off your clothes: certain actions are making you feel ashamed.

See Also: Nakedness. Seeing someone else naked: in erotic dreams, it means you are longing for love. In an “unemotional” dream, it means a surprising discovery. Seeing an injured body: you will have to do with less or have to forego something.

See Also: House.

Depth Psychology: The body always represents sexual needs or the desire for an erotic relationship.


To dream of the upper part of the body links with the mind and the spiritual aspects of the character, while the lower part of the body represents the instincts and emotional aspects.

An adult’s head on an immature body, or a child’s head on an adult body is an indication that we need to recognize the differences between mature thought and emotion.

If there is conflict between the upper and lower part – for instance the lower half being bigger and the top half smaller – then it indicates that there is disharmony between the mental faculties and instinctive behaviour.

The right side or right hand being especially noticeable in dreams signifies we should take note of the logical side of our personality, whereas the left side or left hand indicates we need to be aware of our intuitive, creative side.


The right side represents integrity and rationality; the left side, instincts. However, the body as a whole refers to the ego. Dreaming that your own body is stained indicates ethical and financial problems.

If it is swollen it announces an increase of wealth; if it is too thin, illness or economic loss. Seeing your body in two places at once may mean that you are maintaining romantic relationships with two partners simultaneously. According to the Freudian school, pointy organs and all appendices are an image of the penis; cavities and holes represent the vagina and the anus; secretions, sperm.

In China, the upper body is compared to the sky, and the lower to the ground; In India, the subject’s bloody body is an omen of longevity, because blood is a symbol of strength.


Each part of the body symbolizes something different. Fingers indicate blame or direction, arms stand for effective use of skills, and legs are grounding or support.

The nose reveals your instincts and level of honesty (being able to “smell out” a lie); the mouth indicates communicative ability or more metaphorically, tastes and preferences. Eyes represent your spiritual state (the window of the soul) and perspectives. Ears appear as a reminder to listen and hear, the abdomen has to do with birth, fertility, and nervousness (e.g., “having butterflies in your stomach”), and the back is an emblem of support or strength.


Dreaming about your body generally suggests that you are dreaming about your personal identity. Who we are is wrapped around what we look like. Our self-esteem and self-worth are too frequently dependent on our physical appearance. This dream may be pointing out some of the difficulties or pleasures in daily life that are the result of self-identity and based on attachment to our physical bodies.

The body in general is the symbol of self, and the details in the dream will lead you to further interpretation. Additionally, if you are dreaming of a specific body region, or part, consider your health status.


Dreams that seem to focus strongly on your body are hints about your state of health.

Dreaming of finding a dead body means you have been careless in a recent endeavor.

To dream about detached or dismembered body parts, suggests that some situation is falling apart in your waking life. You are experiencing loss.

If you dreamed of your body changing into something else, please see “Shapeshifting” in this dictionary.

If you dreamed of switching bodies with somebody else, look under “Body Swapping” below.


Material aspects: The body represents the individual and is his outward physical projection of all that he is. In dreams, the body often represents the ego. Since being ‘physical’ is the baby’s first experience of itself, the body forms the prime source of information. : Abscess an abscess is a localized infection. This appearing anywhere in the body highlights that particular area which is in need of consideration.


Dreams that somehow emphasize the physical body may represent something about one’s state of health. Because our personal identities are so tied up with the body, the body can also appear as a more general symbol of the self (e.g., a naked body may indicate that we feel exposed). Dead bodies are an entirely different matter. (See Also: Death).


Your temple, earth suit, expression of self in a space- time world.

A masculine or feminine body represents that particular side of yourself; child’s body is playful, intuitive side of self. Vehicle for learning lessons while on the earth plane, so important to keep the body healthy and strong.

See Also: different body parts.


To dream that your body is robust denotes authority, that it is weak denotes failing or infirmity of the part in question (Artemidorus); here the ancients and moderns meet undoubtedly the dream of any part of the body, whether of one’s own or that of another, is resultant upon physical stimulus.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Most experience can be translated into bodily feeling – tension or relaxation perhaps – and, therefore, becomes a rich source of symbolism in dreams. When emotions cannot be faced in ordinary everyday life, they very often become distorted dream symbols.


To dream about your own body represents self-image and other issue of esteem. Often these topics are contingent on how you view your personal looks or other aspects of the self. This dream could indicate your conscious personality, or your state of well-being and fitness.


The body is a physical manifestation of an inner spirituality, so in theory should be almost perfect. Sometimes, rather than looking to heal the body, it is easier to heal the spirit, and dreams of the body can highlight the areas in which we need to make changes.


It’s a happy omen of success to see a body in your dream and this is so whether the body was beautiful or deformed.

A female body pertains to social success while a male body signifies business achievement


To see ones own body in a dream implies a ten* dency toward narcissism, being in love with oneself. Or you have lost contact with your body, and the forgotten body is making itself known in your dream.


1. Word play over my Death (dead body);

2. The Body of Christ

3. The temple of God;

4. The flesh. Ps. 79:2; 1 Cor. 6:19


You’re naked: you’re ready to receive good fortune • Your body is stained by shit: you’ll be struck by fortune


1. Happiness, good business ventures.

2. Internal self and well-being (note condition of body).


A direct reference to the flesh.

An emaciated body symbolizes sin in a person’s life, Ps. 31:10


lucky numbers: 01-07-11-42-47-49

amputation, seeing an: removal of old habit to al ow talent to grow.

bleeding heavily from own: poisons are erupting in a bloody base, in unhealthy direction.

little, a: achievement of own desires.

bloated, being: secret bad news is exploding in you; wil fal into a trap.

friends: dishonor is what they don’t tel you.

bound with tape, part of a, being: must block premature exposure of your plan.

buttocks, own: self-disapproval.

colon, pain in: one’s inner strength is being chal enged.

dislocating a part of the: stal any venture requiring change of employment.

distorted, a: go for a massage.

injured, having been: too much negative energy, high strung, emotional outbursts.

navel, of your: your paralysis in the past is caused by bad management.

of own: happiness at your very existence.

children: wil undertake a playful, intuitive journey.

deformed person: wil have good fortune ahead.

man, a: good business ventures.

woman, a: people flirt with this woman.

painful or swollen: sadness due to parent’s waste of an inheritance.

pimples on the, having: an indication of disgust in the truth wil out.

seeing your own: the vision can be the reality.

as ill: deal with your emotional burdens before they do damage.

as too fat: reduce your food intake by 1/8 a week.

stiffness causing pain: wil be molested.

trapped in your own, feel: treacherous territory, the ooze of the unconscious.

paralyzed and cannot move: particularly forceful and dramatic change is required.


(Dwellings, House, State) In a dream, the human body represents his state, and its strength represents his faith in God Almighty.

If one sees himself wearing the skin of a snake in a dream, it means that he will avow his enmity toward others. Ifone sees himselfas a ram in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from whose success he will earn his livelihood.

If one sees his body turn into iron or clay in a dream, it means his death.

If one’s body appears bigger in a dream, it means that he will prosper accordingly. Having a fat body in a dream means prosperity and knowledge, and an emaciated body in a dream represents poverty and ignorance.

The body in a dream is what envelops and contains the human being.

The body is like one’s wife, a garment, a house, one’s beloved, a child, a guardian, or a master.

The health condition and strength of one’s body in a dream maydenote any of the elements mentioned herein.

(Also seeFoot; Leg, Skin, Teeth, Tooth, Thigh)


Sources and Authors

  1. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  2. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  3. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  4. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  5. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  7. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  8. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  10. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  13. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  14. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  15. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  17. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  20. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  21. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  23. Chine Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  24. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  25. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  26. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]
  27. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]

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Learn more about the meaning of Bodybuilder

Even in everyday life, the way we hold and position our body, the inclination of chest and head, the movement of hands, are a means of com­munication.The apparently intuitive info...

Learn more about the meaning of Postures, Movement, Body Language

Be sure that no actual stomach problems exist.See Sexuality, Toilet, Stomach, Belt....

Learn more about the meaning of Lower Body

Dreams of a body bag represent a cover up for a death, ending or releasing process. Perhaps breaking up is hard to do, so you’d rather not face it....

Learn more about the meaning of Body Bag

Because metal is a conductor of energy, heat and power, dreams of piercing one’s body signifies the desire to amplify power or rank within a social circle.The significance of the...

Learn more about the meaning of Body Piercing

To dream about a body builder suggests you are frustrated about your lack of progress in your social ambitions....

Learn more about the meaning of Body Builder

To dream of finding hair on some unusual part of your body promises a steady increase in material wealth.If you dream of being extra hairy or covered with hair, you have acted immo...

Learn more about the meaning of Body Hair

To dream of body paint, whether on you or someone else, suggests that you are too easily offended by criticism about you....

Learn more about the meaning of Body Paint

If you dream of swapping minds/bodies with someone, it symbolizes that you are trying to understand that person better. You may envy something about them and want it for yourself, ...

Learn more about the meaning of Body Swapping

If the person who dreams of the chest of a woman is a man, the image could indicate his need for tenderness and understanding. However, if a woman has this dream, it could be a sym...

Learn more about the meaning of Chest (body Part)

(body part)The external aspect of a person’s nails says a lot about that person’s physical and mental health. So, dreaming of dirty and bitten nails evidences poorly controlled...

Learn more about the meaning of Nail

If the body is diseased in a dream, this suggests a sickness of attitude or it could simply indicate extreme emotional and physical fatigue. A dismembered body indicates emotional ...

Learn more about the meaning of Diseased, Dismembered, Injured And Deformed Body

Typically, the left side of the body represents feelings, intuition and the irrational, whilst the right side suggests the rational and logical. The left side is also associated wi...

Learn more about the meaning of Left And Right Side Of The Body

If you look at the body in your dreams as a representation of your life and potential, the images can translate into a view of your current well being. Don’t worry overly about d...

Learn more about the meaning of Body Wisdom

The main function of the body part (such as hands “handling situations” or teeth “biting off more than you can chew”).Something the body part allows you to do, or a way it ...

Learn more about the meaning of Body Part

Some of the earliest research into OBEs was conducted by Frenchman Yarm Louis Forham (1884-1917), who believed that everyone was capable of astral travel in a variety of guises, re...

Learn more about the meaning of Journeys Out Of The Body

The image of an anesthetized body can represent a deadening of feeling, or a loss of passion and creativity in waking life. The same meaning applies to coldness of the body, with t...

Learn more about the meaning of Anesthetized, Cold Or Dead Body

A part of the body that is exposed could represent: Vulnerability.Obviousness or a desire for attention from others.Aggressive intimacy or an attempt to act too familiarly with oth...

Learn more about the meaning of Exposed (body)

Because the body often represents the self, loss of body parts or injuries to your body in dreamland can symbolize the emotional pain of losing parts of yourself. A dream that some...

Learn more about the meaning of Loss Of Body Parts

Dreams focusing on the Zodiac or other ancient mystic arts, such as alchemy or Tarot, have much to say about the human condition.According to Jung, you are tapping into what he cal...

Learn more about the meaning of Mind, Body, Spirit

A body of water such as an ocean, lake, or pond can represent: The context of your life, “your world,” or the setting and situations within which the your life takes place.Your...

Learn more about the meaning of Water, Body Of

Dreaming is an intriguing process, and while we often focus on the stories our minds create, there's much happening in the brain and body during this time. Below are some fascinati...

Learn more about the meaning of Physiological Effects On The Body While You Dream

A to Z Dream Interpretation