Universal Landscape: Various functionality or physical abilities.
Dreaming Lens: What part of the body were you dreaming of? Was it your own body or someone else’s? Was it separate and disembodied? Did the image involve a loss of functioning? Was there an element of horror to the image? Did the dream have a medical theme?
Personal Focus: The interpretation you give to a body part in a dream correlates directly with its function. The head connects to thoughts and intellect. The neck usually represents issues surrounding communication and the ability to assess a situation. Arms represent activity and strength whereas the hands connect to creativity (fingers can usually be associated with skill and dexterity). The lower body involves issues of being grounded and secure. The legs connect specifically to being in (or out) of control of your movement through life. The direction in which you are heading is often represented by the feet. They also symbolize your relationship to the things for which you are willing (or unwilling) to take a stand.
The Dreaming Lens will provide the perspective with which you should view the meaning you assign to the body part. Most dream scenarios involving the body will fall into one of two categories: decrease or increase. The loss of, or injury to, a body part indicates some sort of hindrance or limitation. The augmentation or expansion of a body part indicates the opposite. Both perspectives can be viewed as positive or negative, depending on the sensation of the dream and/or the residual feelings generated by the dream upon waking.
If the image in your dream is simply a part of the body being highlighted or focused upon, your interpretation need only consider the meaning you assign it. However, if the dream includes a change in the body, you must add this to the mix. Amputation, for example, indicates a drastic loss of functioning, but implies necessity, as a limb is usually only removed to preserve the integrity and healthy functioning of the rest of the body. This shows that choice is involved as well as the need to sacrifice something for the survival of the Self. When in doubt, researching the biology or kinesiology of a part of the body will yield vast resources of information to inform your interpretation.
[1]The parts of the body all have meanings based on the basic functions of those parts.
The feet represent feeling grounded, while the toes are about maintaining balance.
The legs connect with freedom, choice, and movement.
The knees are the symbolic home of humility, subservience, and / or surrender. They are also the place where you hold your fears.
The hips are the center of the core and therefore represent the integration of systems and all the elements of your life that have to interact with one another in order to function.
The ribs are about vulnerability and protecting yourself from emotional pain.
The ability to withstand pressure and fulfill the needs of others is associated with the shoulders.
The arms are the structures that allow you to take action and accomplish your goals and desires, while the hands give you the creative ability to do so.
The individual fingers are how you relate to details and life’s complexities.
The spine is your moral center and where your values are located.
The neck, though a part of the spine, has the distinction of providing you with discernment and choice.
The skull is related to your beliefs, ideals, and opinions, and the bones that support your face connect with community and the desire to connect with others.