The bow and arrow can be a symbol of tension, especially sexual tension, as in Cupid’s bow.
If the arrow is fired to the skies, this can express a wish to devote yourself to a higher purpose. Arrows also suggest being pierced by some intense emotion, or being hurt by someone. Were you the target or were you taking aim? Did the arrow hit or fall short? Was it a poisoned arrow? Arrows are also used symbolically to point the way, so an arrow in your dream can direct you to the right choice, perhaps relating to a decision you need to make in waking life.
[1]Taking aim with a bow and arrow; may comment on making the mark professionallyandhitting the “bull’s- eye” of your goals. It may also represent the act of hunting down prospects. As Diana, the huntress, is depicted wutethe bow and arrow, this may indicate a woman’s need for self-protection and protecting her spiritual nature.
[2]Your good luck will vary according to how well you hit the target, so a bull’s eye will make good fortune phenomenal! If you missed, then you may expect some difficul- ties due to your own fool- ishness.
If you were hit by an arrow, look out for a false friend in your close circle.
[3]The bow and arrow in a dream infers that the dreamer should be self-reliant, make decisions without the help of other people. All We more important if the arrow hits a bull’s-eye.
If the arrow misses, disappointment in business affairs.
[4]If you hit the target in your dream, you can rely upon good fortune, varying according to the accuracy of your aim.
If you miss, then you may expect difficulties, owing to some careless, or ill-advised action of your own.
[5]1. Power, assertiveness.
2. Sexual intercourse.
3. A measure of luck depending on whether or not the target is hit, usually in business affairs.
4. The emergence of love (as in “cupid’s arrow”).
[6]Bow and arrow in a dream, denotes great gain reaped from the inability of others to carry out plans.
To make a bad shot means disappointed hopes in carrying forward successfully business affairs.
[7]The weapons of God against an enemy, Ps 21:1. If the bow is bent it means you are ready for battle, Isa. 5:28
[8]Through someone’s misfortune you will amass great wealth if you have this dream.
[9]A bow with an arrow about to be shot (but not shot) symbolises power and strength; or a son or brother will be born to him.