A brick, block, stone, or other building component can represent: Strength, solidness, reliability, or rigidity.
A resource used to create or build.
The process of establishing or building something.
An input to a creative process (such as ideas, designs, or information).
The process of breaking something down into its smallest components (such as to examine or understand it).
Weight, load, burden, or feeling weighed down.
Consider also the context of the brick and how it’s being used.
See Also: Stone, Divider, Building, House
[1]To see a brick in your dream indicates that tough experience and/or heartbreak may have hardened your emotions and thoughts.
To dream that you are building a brick wall, represents an emotional “wall” that you are putting up to protect yourself against getting hurt. It may also indicate that you may be hard on the outside but still sensitive on the inside.
[2]To dream of bricks could indicate the desire to create your own space, safe and stable. In and of itself, it could suggest the need to restructure some personal aspect. In case of work problems, the dream urges you to build your projects without rushing. The best thing is to construct your purposes on solid ground. (See Also: CONSTRUCTION)
[3]Dreams of a brick or bricks symbolize that you are focused on the building blocks of a relationship or business venture. These dreams is predicting a successful outcome. Alternatively, a brick can represent stubbornness. Consider the feeling tone.
See Also: Foundation.
[4]1. Steadfast and reliable, if somewhat “dense”—usually a friend or acquaintance, sometimes self.
2. Representing a small part of the body, cells or components (a brick house).
3. Changes possible in the near future.
[5]Brick in a dream, indicates unsettled business and disagreements in love affairs.
To make them you will doubtless fail in your efforts to amass great wealth.
[6]Strength, endurance. Building a new direction, remodeling.
[7]A strong defense against outside offenses
[8]A brick which is baked or dried in the sun so that it is not longer clay, usually symbolizes one’s wealth which one had accumulated. Acquiring a portion of a brick suggest that the observer of the dream will acquire accumulated wealth.