Bricks, either singly, piled or in a wall, point toward a disagreement with your lover, If yon are laying them and you have no trouble in making them even, the disagreement will not be serious.
[1]Bricks in a dream forecast upset conditions due to sudden change, unless you were laying them or observing them being laid, in which case your circumstances will slowly but steadily improve.
[2]1. Bondage of the world
2. Human-made altars;
3. People Human-made stone (unacceptable to God); Gen. 11:3-4; (4) Gen. 9:1.
[3]Symbolic of slave labor and hard work, 2 Sam. 12:31
[4](Adobe, Argillites, Plaster) In a dream, bricks mean lawful money. Ifthey are interpreted to means a child, then they represent a miscarried fetus, or a child who may die in his infancy.
If one sees baked bricks in his dream, they represent a son who will grow to be infamous, a backbiter and who will enjoy a long life.
(See Also: Adobe)