Emotional hurt, or the way you’ve reacted to it within your consciousness.
A feeling or fear of someone hurting you.
Self-inflicted bruises (such as from accidentally bumping into objects) can represent: allowing your boundaries to be crossed or your integrity to be compromised, subconscious self-sabotage, an opportunity for greater self-care.
See Also: Hurt, Being, Injured
[1]To dream that you have a bruise, represents stress and pressure that you are dealing with in your real life. It may also refer to a reawakening of old, emotional wounds. Consider the symbolism of the specific part of your body that is bruised.
[2]There is a distinct warning against too much high living in a dream of bruises on yourself or someone else.
If the bruises were on the legs, your reputation could be at stake. Slow down! See also Body.
[3]1. Emotional injury, usually from long ago.
2. Possible health issues.
3. Denial of difficulties, often in relationships (to try to hide a bruise).
4. Concern with outward appearances.
[4]Dreams of a bruise symbolize that you have survived a painful experience, and that you have issues that are unhealed. Pay particular attention to the body part that is bruised.
See Also: Body.
[5]If you see any kind of bruise, it’s a warning you’re living too fast.
If the bruises are on your legs, your reputation is at stake, and you should definitely slow down.
[6]Spiritual wound; location determines the type, i.E.
The head is mental anguish, etc.; Research accordingly
[7]To dream of bruising is symbolic of wounds from life’s trials, Job 9:17