To see or taste butter in your dream suggests that you are looking to be gratified in some area of your life. It suggests the richness of simplicity and the unaffected perspectives that come with it. You need to indulge yourself in life’s simple pleasures. Bread and butter mean your livelihood, that which provides your basic needs, whilst butter and eggs represent optimism. Butterball portrays excess, an overblown or fattened aspect of yourself, whereas a butter churn denotes aspects that create life’s simple riches. Buttermilk refers to life’s spiritual rich rewards. Butternut points to receptivity to others and butterscotch flavor suggests something that has a rich flavor to it, rich as in emotional intelligence. Be aware too of the phrase ‘butter fingers’, which suggests that you have let something slip through your fingers and denotes a need to get a grasp on some important aspect of life. Margarine implies an effective substitute for the dreamer to use.
[1]Vision: Fresh and delicious butter: everything is uin balance, ”Old, rancid butter: slander, intrigue, and hypocrisy. Eating butter means good health. Making your own butter: you want and need more love and tenderness in your life.
Depth Psychology: Sometimes, dreaming about butter is a sign of real worries, like: “will I have enough to eat even’ day?” The dream may also be a symbol of unacknowledged sexual needs. Or have you discovered the real reason why other people flatter you? See Cream.
[2]A favorable sign of accomplishing your goals and having continued good health. Selling butter portends small gains in business (e.g., making your “bread and butter”).
Spreading butter may indicate that you are somehow trying to “butter someone up” instead of taking a more direct tact.
Worship and sacrifice given to the Divine. In Mesopotamia, Tibet, and India, butter is considered a seemly offering.
Among Tibetans, also an emblem of prosperity soon to follow.
[3]Dreams about butter represent good fortune. This dream can also be showing you that you have been buttering someone up or that someone’s compliments may be disingenuous.
If you dream of cutting butter with a knife you can rest assured that any legal matters or disagreements that you are now addressing will resolve in your favor.
[4]To dream of eating fresh, golden butter, is a sign of good health and plans well carried out; it will bring unto you possessions, wealth and knowledge.
To eat rancid butter, denotes a competency acquired through struggles of manual labor.
To sell butter, denotes small gain.
[5]This is a good dream, but of a material character, such as feasting.
It is usually something of a surprise.
See Also: MILK.
If you are making Butter, some money will reach you unexpectedly.
[6]Due to its texture, it is a symbol of softness and ease. Butter is something that melts. This could indicate that a distressing situation is coming to an end.
[7]1. Works
2. Deceptive motives,
3. Words or works;
4. Smooth talker;
5. Deceiver.
6. Change (melted butter). Ps. 55:21; Prov. 30 33;Isa. 7:15, 22.
[8]1. A good future, good health and well-being.
2. Coolness, smoothness and ease.
3. A flatterer (as in to “butter up”).
[9]Sweetness, nurturing; slippery, greasy. Also, false flattery, as buttering up someone or yourself.
[10]Bating or selling fresh butter foretells an improvement in your social and financial condition.
[11]A fortunate dream no matter what form it took.
Even rancid butter signifies a secure future.
[12]A positive symbol: everything is okay. Symbol for nutritious food and refinement.
[13]Dreams that feature butter symbolize good luck for the future.
[14]Good dream. Joy and feasting. Sufferings terminate quickly.
[15]Symbolic of the blessing and friendship of God, Job 29:6
[16]A blessing used to smooth over rough edges of a problem
[17]See Also: Eating/ Drinking.
[18]lucky numbers: 01-06-13-20-36-40
churning: prosperity wil attend you.
in own house: surrounding yourself with tenderness.
churning, of: a difficult task of manual labor is ahead.
cooking with: wil be fortunate in business.
frying: wil have a new admirer.
eating: good health from the purest nutrition.
fresh: everything is in balance, but instantaneously susceptible to slipping.
plenty of, having: good luck of some kind to come.
purchasing: wil have a change for the better.
rancid: an intrigue is behind your being slandered.
selling: avoid financial speculations, gains wil be smal .
single man dreaming of churning: false flattery wil not gain you a happy marriage.
young woman: wil have energetic, thrifty husband.
[19]Eating butter in a dream means enjoying one’s earnings and using them for worthwhile projects, or it could mean profits from one’s business.
It is said that eating butter in a dream means visiting the holy land. Eating butter in a dream also represents good harvest, plenitude, prosperity, good deeds, or the ease with which one handles his daily work.