The meaning of this dream varies according to its details, but it is a generally good omen. Whether the buttocks were your own or someone else’s, you can anticipate happy times ahead.
If they were animal buttocks, the dream forecasts financial luck.
If the dream involved being kicked in the buttocks, you can expect a steady rise in status. However, if you did the kicking, you will have to cope with some jealousy in your immediate circle.
To dream that your buttocks are misshaped or a different size than in real life, suggests undeveloped or wounded aspects of your psyche.
[1]Ability to make strong progress, get ahead, or “make strides” in life.
Procrastination or inactivity (as in “just sitting around”).
Resting or taking a break.
“Sitting it out” or refusing to participate.
A person’s foundation, such as their beliefs and values.
See Also: Sitting, Hip, Anus, Bottom, Seat, Body Part
[2]This part of the body is typically a bad sign. Whether they are beautiful or deformed and drooping, they augur all kinds of nasty remarks and humiliations. In the first case, it warns of a possible cheating partner; in the second, of an embarrassing action.
[3]To dream about buttocks symbolizes your inclinations and compulsions. It might also be indicative of self-doubt or some kind of conflict.
To dream that your buttocks are misshapen symbolizes some immature or damaged aspects of your inner self.
[4]Those who don’t “cover their ass” show how vulnerable they are. Or they don’t have to hide their disadvantage, such as “The Fool” in early Tarot decks. According to Freud, infantile sexual symbol.
[5]Dreams of the buttocks can represent issues of support, sexuality or body image.
The details of the dream and the feeling tone will help you find a more decisive message.
See Also: Rear End.
[6]Stop, sit down and face the problem.
[7](See Also: Rump)