The cactus is a negative sign because, like its spines, it reflects the painful moments that the subject is going through. This may be because someone constantly pricks you with her comments or because you need to protect yourself somehow.
Dreaming of a cactus also evidences hardship in the professional setting.
If it is in bloom, however, it announces that finally the value of the sleeper will be recognized at the workplace.
For Mexicans, the cactus is an aphrodisiac, therefore it portends good times in the sentimental field.
analysis of a dream
Eva dreamed: “I was in a beautiful golden cage, on the edge of a terrace. I had a pretty landscape before my eyes: a green valley full of flowers of every color and very tall mountains on the horizon. The sky was intensely blue and bright. I felt good, safe, and happy in my cage and I sang constantly. From my mouth came beautiful melodies in strange languages.” To see yourself caged in a dream is a sign that the unconscious feels repressed and wants more freedom and freedom of expression. Eva is a very timid person who has a hard time with social interaction. Her dream is reflecting—with the golden cage—her comfortable world closed up in herself, in which she feels safe and sound. This is a calming dream that encouraged her to let her emotions flow freely, like a gentle melody. The idyllic landscape she contemplated through the bars represented the desires Eva could not reach due to her own inhibition. The fact that she sang in unknown languages reveal her inability to communicate with others, and to understand herself.
[1]Vision: Looking at a cactus: you are isolating too much from people around you; you have become very “prickly.” Getting punctured by a cactus: thoughtless actions on your part will cause you harm. Watering a cactus: you are much too nice to people who don’t deserve it—they are “false friends.” Looking at a small cactus on a windowsill: you are too stingy—with yourself and others.
Depth Psychology: The cactus stands for the injuries that others have inflicted on you or for disappointments caused by false friends. It might also be symbolic of your own “prickliness.” See Porcupine.
[2]Defense, brusqueness, distance, hate-love and, in general, contradictory emotions. This image often comes up in dreams when you are in a situation in which you fear you have been injured. It points to the need for new boundaries and distance. This need for boundaries is often an expression of your sensitivity. Are you often acting irritably toward the world around you.7 Or, are you feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions.7 Take your emotions seriously and look for an appropriate way to express them.
[3]Metaphorically, prickly situations that require careful handling.
Protection and safety.
The needles on this plant may speak of your own need for protection, or possibly they represent the armor you place between yourself and the world.
Unexpected refreshment from an equally unexpected source. In the desert, cacti are an alternative source of water.
Because of the cactus’s natural ability to safeguard its nourishment, this symbol can also reflect a wise, frugal attitude.
[4]Dreaming of a cactus is usually the indication that you are feeling crowded, or that someone is invading your space, and since the cactus has the prickly spines for defense this represents to the dreamer a wish to establish a boundary and protect your privacy.
A cactus also represents winning out over adversity as it is found in the desert and has adapted itself to hot, dry, growing conditions, thus the dream could be telling the dreamer to adapt to the existing circumstances if he/she cannot change them.
[5]To dream of a cactus is an indication that you feel your personal space is being invaded. You feel unable to breathe and are seeking space and privacy.
The spines of the cactus are the physical representation of this wish. In many cases, you may feel you are in a situation you cannot get out of. Conversely, the cactus may indicate a personal desire to learn to protect yourself.
To dream of a cactus may also be a subconscious reminder that you need to learn to grow as your life changes.
[6]Dreams of a cactus symbolize your egoic exterior that keeps people and opportunities at bay. Your subconscious mind is giving you the message that when your spiky edges are revealed, you have an opportunity for a breakthrough in intimacy. Intimacy and love are meant to bring up everything unlike itself.
The cactus can also represent good karma and your ability to survive extreme circumstances.
[7]Dreaming of a cactus indicates you’re feeling crowded, that someone (or something) is invading your space. You’re feeling the need to establish boundaries and protect your privacy.
The dream could also be telling you to adapt to existing circumstances if you cannot change them; just as the cactus has adapted itself to the hot, dry circumstances of its desert environment.
[8]The cactus is a succulent plant that manages to flourish in the desert environment seemingly devoid of water. Since water is the precious source of life, this hearty plant is a symbol of the ability to thrive despite challenging conditions. When a cactus appears in your dream, you are being shown your own capacity to find sustenance even when it appears to be absent.
[9]Caution; look but do not touch. Apparent beauty may have painful repercussions. Negative part of self that grew without much care or nurturing, and may hurt self or others through lack of awareness.
A prickly problem. Gossip, pointed remarks, sticking it to yourself or someone.
[10]This spiny, succulent desert plant may appear to indicate endurance through difficult circumstances.
The cactus may encourage self-protection or represent a person you have difficulty communicating with. It may also represent a sticky situation.
[11]1. Need to keep others away for various reasons.
2. Feeling old.
3. Feeling odd.
[12]Dreaming of a cactus suggests you feel like your space is being invaded by someone.
[13]A cactus can symbolize a hindrance to your progress in life
[14]Survival in dry desolate times
[15]lucky numbers: 09-14-23-24-27-28
being punctured by a: your thoughtless actions cause harm.
others: your prickliness has isolated you.
buying a: beauty growing out of abundant negatives has poignant repercussions.
small, a: your stinginess causes injury to others.
watering a: your generosity is wasted on false friends.
[16](Aloe plant) Eating or smelling a cactus plant in a dream means sorrow, sadness, separation between husband and wife or it could mean enduring an unhappy life.