You may want to keep some of your thoughts hidden.
A hat covers the head, the symbolic representation of your thoughts. Wordplay using “cap” as synonymous for something that limits or contains means this particular type of head gear is likely pointing to a desire to limit or restrain your thoughts in some way.
A cap may also point to a desire to connect to your sportier nature, as caps were originally designed for outdoor play, where blocking the sun was desirable.
A cap in a dream might point to wishing to limit how much light you can see.
(See Also: Hat.)
[1]Hat. Consciousness and thinking. Are you living too much in your head? It also addresses the fact that you keep something hidden or that something seems to be hidden.
The verb “to cap” also points to completion, the end of a situation. In fables and fairy tales, the cap often plays a significant role as a magical covering for the head, allowing the person to become invisible. It also points to the fact that you may be too visible. Or that you might pay more attention to yourself and be more outgoing.
See Also: Shadow.
Folklore: Unhappy love.
[2]Whatever your sex, it is a good omen to dream of wearing a cap; your worries will evaporate and your troubles will prove temporary, unless the cap was noticeably shabby, tom, and/ or dirty, in which case you may expect some minor reverses in any business which concerns you.
However, if the cap involved was a military one, it predicts a great triumph in spite of serious opposition.
[3]For a woman to dream of seeing a cap, she will be invited to take part in some festivity.
For a girl to dream that she sees her sweetheart with a cap on, denotes that she will be bashful and shy in his presence.
To see a prisoner’s cap, denotes that your courage is failing you in time of danger.
To see a miner’s cap, you will inherit a substantial competency.
[4]A maiden who sees her lover wearing a cap will End it difficult to be herself wheo next she sees the man of her choice. She will be either suspicious or basbfuj, or both.
For either sex to be presented with a cap of any kind is a presage of romance, either tegal or illicit.
To put a cap on the head is a warning to be extremely careful in any Love affairs.
[5]See Also: Hat in Clothes
1- The cap has the same significance as the hat in dreams and draws attention to status or spiritual powers.
If we arc wearing a cap in a dream, we may be covering up our creative abilities.
2- The cap shows the need for respcct for a person’s beliefs and wisdom or knowledge.
3- A cap signifies nobility and freedom.
[6]Dreams of a cap symbolize preservation or suppression of your potential, capabilities and possibilities.
The cap reflects that you may be keeping things a secret until you are ready for them to be revealed.
[7]A hat, a cover over an oil well, a snow-capped mountain, a nightcap for sleeping, or a nightcap before bed may all indicate sense of completion of some issue, job well done, or a mission accomplished.
[8]See Also: Dream Dictionary: Hat in Clothes
To wear a cap in a dream is indicative of concealing one’s features. It may also suggest the dreamer has a tendency to hide their creative ability.
[9]If you put on your Cap or Hat, in your dream, it signifies difficulty in your love affairs.
If a Cap or Hat is given to you, then you will marry happily.
[10]A cap signifies nobility and freedom.
The jester’s cap was said to be a parody of the king’s crown demonstrating how transient power really is.
[11]To see a cap means an invitation to a social event.
For a girl to dream that her lover is wearing a cap warns that she must protect her virtue.
[12]Psychological / emotional perspective: The cap shows the need for respect for a person’s beliefs and wisdom or knowledge.
[13]1. Old-fashioned.
2. Someone losing or keeping zest for life (cap on soda bottle).
[14]Cover or protection, point at which one opens, closes, or seals off.
See Also: Hat.
[15]An inheritance is foretold to one who dreams of seeing a miner wearing a cap.
[16]See Also: hat under clothes. Idioms: cap in hand; thinking cap.
[17]lucky numbers: 01-02-03-17-28-39
buying a: wil receive an inheritance, capped with a maximum withdrawal per year.
given to you: your marriage wil be involved in community affairs.
losing a: your courage wil fail you in time of danger.
miner’s, a: fail-safe measures should be studied and memorized.
old and dirty: damages in business.
prisoner’s, a: courage is failing you at a critical point.
putting on a: have accomplished the mission.
selling a: are not operating your own business wel .
sweetheart wearing a: are timid and demure in lover’s presence.
[18](Overseas cap, Persian toga, Roman toga, Shawl) In a dream, a cap means travels, a wife who is supporting her husband, or a husband who is supporting his wife.
A shawl-like attire that is worn over the head and shoulders in a dream represents honor, valor, a new trade, travel, a brother or a father. Taking off a cap in a dream means losing one’s authority or loss of his wealth.
A torn cap in a dream means the death of one’s brother or father. Wearing a cap in a dream also means repayment of one’s debts.