To dream of riding in a cart, ill luck and constant work will employ your time if you would keep supplies for your family.
To see a cart, denotes bad news from kindred or friends.
To dream of driving a cart, you will meet with merited success in business and other aspirations.
For lovers to ride together in a cart, they will be true in spite of the machinations of rivals.
[1]Depth Psychology: Your dream-cart holds all the worries, responsibilities, and conflicts you carry with you every day of your life.
If the cart is heavy, unload some of your emotional baggage! If the cart is stuck in the mud, it is high time to reexamine the responsibilities you have taken on. Pay attention to other symbols in the dream.
[2]Carrying or supporting, or a means of doing so.
Emotional issues or baggage.
Gathering things (such as items or experiences), or a means of gathering them.
Consider the context, purpose, and condition of the cart.
See Also: Vehicle, Carrying, Container, Following(Trailing Behind), Store
[3]Prepare for a long period of hard work and not much joy if you dreamed of riding in, or driving, a cart.
If you only observed the vehicle, you must still expect the slog but it will be a short one.
See Also: Hay.
[4]If lovers dream of riding together in a horse-drawn cart or motor truck, they will be sure to overcome any difficulties that may befall them.
[5]Bearing a heavy load with no help
[6]To dream of being tied in a cart, to draw like a horse or an ox, denotes servitude and pain to everybody; but to dream that you are carried in a cart or coach, the contrary.
[7]lucky numbers: 17-19-21-24-49-53
being carried in own: wil have might and authority.
covered, a: excess baggage wil deter your completing a planned trip.
en charrette: your project wil be overdue.
getting in a: loss of steady employment leads to constant search for work.
out of: loss of dignity comes through machinations of rivals.
heavy, a: unload emotional baggage to attain success you merit.
loaded with hay, a: wishes wil be accomplished.
stuck in the mud, a: reexamine your overloaded responsibilities.
to pull it, being tied to a: wil be in pain and bondage.