Just as, according to mythology, the cosmos was created out of chaos, so we all, in a sense, have to create ourselves out of chaos - the unordered or disordered mass of instincts, emotions, feelings and ideas that constitute the raw materials from which we may consciously shape ourselves. This is the viewpoint from which you should understand the chaos in your dream: a cluttered, untidy room; a junk-shop with miscellaneous articles piled up higgledy-piggledy; or whatever.
NB Putting yourself in order does not necessarilv mean getting rid of the junk. There are two possibilities here. Your dream may be telling you that there is a lot of rubbish that you need to get rid of: negative attitudes and habits, destructive guilt-feelings, or whatever. Alternatively, the “junk” may be your hidden potential; so clean it up and use it. You just have to decide what role each part of your psyche is to play in your life.
[1]An actual chaotic situation in your real life or within your consciousness.
A feeling or fear of overwhelm or losing control somehow in your real life.
Disorganized thinking or irrational thought processes.
Having trouble making a decision, or feeling ambivalent.
See Also: Moving Around, Dizzy, Circles, Going in, Disaster, Problem, Wild, Storm
[2]Before the universe began it was thought there existed a disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space. Spiritually therefore in dreams chaos is a representation of source and the beginning of all things. There is, though, an underlying pattern, which may not be immediately apparent.
[3]Material aspects: Chaos and confusion in dreams represent the changes over which we have no control.
If we find ourselves trying to establish order then we are usually gaining insight into either our own state of mind or difficult situations around us.
[4]Psychological / emotional perspective: A disorderly mass or jumble of thoughts and ideas which have not yet crystallized is experienced as chaos. They appear erratic and unpredictable.