Example: Three men with clubs were chasing me, but never actually caught me as I woke in terror. I was determined to tell myself it was only a dream, and the next night as they were chasing me I remembered it was only a dream and lost all fear—stopped running—turned to face them and said This is only a dream, you can’t hurt me.” As they came closer they faded into nothing and I never saw them again’ (Account of dreams when six years old. Mr C).
The example shows how we can be pursued by fears or emotions, and can either continue to avoid them or face them. We are, in a real sense, pursued by what we have created with our thoughts, emotions, action and inaction. What we are avoiding might be sexual feelings; responsibility; expressing what we really feel in public; our fear of death; sense of failure; guilt; emotional pain; grief, etc. We can never escape from ourself, so such feelings may pursue us through life unless we meet them.
Chased by opposite sex: afraid of love or sex, haunted by a past relationship. By animal: one’s passions; anger, natural feelings. By Thing or shadowy creature: usually past experience or trauma, a hurt from childhood. Chasing: something you are pursuing in life; something or someone you want; aggression.
See Also: follow.
[1]1- Dreaming of being chased or of trying to escape is perhaps one of the most common dreams; usually we arc trying to cscape responsibility; our own sense of failure, fear or emotions we can’t handle.
2- Being chased by shadows shows the need to escape from something previously repressed, such as past childhood trauma or difficulty.
To be chased by an animal generally indicates we have not come to terms with our own passion.
3- Spiritually the image of being chased or pursued suggests either fear of one’s actions, or is a play on words, as in chaste.
[2]To dream of being chased is symbolic of being pursued by a spiritual or physical enemy, Deut. 1:44. If you are being chased by authority figures like police officers, school principals, or other adults, it may symbolize a problem with submitting yourself to authority
[3]Dreams of being chased are most common. These dreams are typically metaphors of the need for the dreamer to escape certain situations in life. Such escapes may not always be productive.
[4]Pursued by the pressures of life from which one tries to escape
[5]See Also: Being Chased.