If you dream you’re chasing someone, consider the context.
For example, if you’re angry at the person you’re chasing, the chasing may represent that anger.
Chasing someone who has stolen something from you can represent your desire to set right a situation in which you feel someone has taken advantage of you.
Playfully chasing someone you like could represent your fond feelings toward them or a desire to interact with them.
See Also: Catching Someone, Following(Trailing Behind), Attacking, After, Hunting, Stalking, Chased, Being
[1]1. Threatened, What are you running from? Is it your marriage , Exams, trial?
2. Need for prayer! Deut. 1:44; Lev. 26:7.
[2]Pursuit of a dream or something else that’s just out of reach. Astrological parallel: Gemini, Sagittarius.
[3]Implies one may do better to chase after contentment