whoever sees himself eating food alongside a cheetah, then it indicates the acquiring of peace / security, and safety, from the direction of the enemy & a usefulness. Whoever sees a cheetah bite him, or hurt him with it’s claws, then it indicates the acquiring of harm / hurt & hostility, from the enemy to the extent / degree of that wound [in the vision]. Whoever sees that there are many cheetahs at his place or his home, and [someone] screams at that place, then it indicates harm, affliction, great discomfort from the enemy.
[1]All cats relate to the power of the feminine principle.
The larger the cat, the greater the power of this totem.
The distinction of the cheetah is related to its speed; it is the fastest of all the large felines. When this animal appears in a dream, the medicine you are being acquainted with relates to rapid agility when facing transitions in your life.
[2]The fastest animal in the world, the cheetah indicates the power of rapid movement in the achievement of one’s goals.
The message to you is to get moving.
[3]To see a cheetah in your dream, suggests that you need to get moving and be more active in pursuit of your goals. Perhaps you have been a little lazy.
[4]Speed, agility
[5](See Also: Lynx)