1- The meaning of a chisel in a dream would depend on whether or not the dreamer is a craftsman in waking life. In such a case it will depict pride in achievement and specialist knowledge.
If the dreamer has no skill it will depend 011 other symbolism in the dream, but will probably indicate the need to use force in a situation known to the dreamer.
2- Intellectual drives may put us in a position of needing to break through a barrier in order to succeed in a favourite project.
3- In sacred architecture the chisel is the active, masculine principle in relationship with the passive and feminine.
[1]If the main feature of your dream was the use of the chisel, it is telling you that you can get what you want but it won’t come easy; however, the other material details must be considered.
See Also: Stone(s), Bricks, Sculpture, etc.
[2]In sacred architecture the chisel is the active, masculine principle in relationship with the passive and feminine. In spiritual terms, therefore, the chisel signifies activity as opposed to waiting.
[3]Gives gender-specific: In modern times the use of tools is not so gender specific as it used to be so in both men and women’s dreams using a chisel suggests properly applied energy.
[4]Psychological / emotional perspective: Our intellectual need to succeed may put us in a position of trying to break through a barrier in order to complete a favourite project.
[5]A chisel in a dream is indicative of a desire to carve out one’s destiny; to sculpt one’s life and create beauty from blandness.
[6]Symbolic of something man-made or permanently etched into a person’s heart, Isa. 44:13, Jer. 17:1
[7]A warning that a chiseler may be taking advantage; see “whittle”
[8]A public appearance of some kind.
[9](Cheat, Defraud, Swindle) In a dream, a chisel means using a tool to attain one’s goal, or using a helper, or it could represent someone who is forced to travel by unwarranted circumstances or without his consent.
A chisel in a dream also represents someone whose wounds do not heal easily because of his greed, inequity and craving for more.
A chisel in a dream also represents one’s assistant, or one’s penis, or his mouth.