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Christ Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 11 Unique Sources About Christ

christ image

Religious svmbols mav appear in the dreams even of those who do not consider themselves religious. There are at least two reasons for this: first, even non-religious people have usually had some exposure to religious teaching,’and secondly, religion would seem to have an instinctive basis, originating in what vve now have to call (because we have lost touch with it) the unconscious part of the psyche.

One might be tempted to say that the Christ figure means whatever it means for you. That mav be true; but you are advised to consider the following possibilities.

(1) The Christ figure may represent perfection for you.

If so, it may be

functioning in your dream as a representation of your own true self. There may be a sense in which the Christ / supreme value is outside and beyond us: we are not yet perfect. However, the Christ in your dream comes from your own unconscious and signifies that what is of supreme value is realizable in yourself: indeed, it is yoprself, your not- yet-realized but potential self.


(2) If the figure is that of the Christ as a child, the interpretation given above is strengthened.

See Also: Child, sections(3) and (4).

(3) If there is any association of homosexuality or bisexuality with the Christ in your dream, this again would tend to confirm the interpretation in (1) above. The hermaphrodite (literally, a fusion of the god Hermes and the goddess Aphrodite) is a recurring figure in religious symbolism - for example, the Hindu representation of Shiva as part man, part woman. It stands for the union of opposites. In psychic terms, such a figure represents the bringing together of conflicting forces such as conscious and unconscious, thought and feeling, ‘spirit5 and ‘body5, extroversion and introversion.

See Also: Marriage.

(4) If the Christ in your dream is the crucified Christ, it may be a symbol of martyrdom.

If you identify with this figure, so that you are the wronged sufferer, ask yourself what purpose is being served by adopting this role. Does it make you happy? Well, pain may give pleasure if it helps us to feel ‘different5 and superior. (And that is often the other side of a martyrdom complex: an inflated view of self - inflated by fantasy.) But to get happiness by making yourself unhappy is self contradictory.

Your dream is most likely telling you to look at yourself objectively, and to get rid of the fantasy that has taken possession of you. It may help you to do so if you can identify the occasion that first started off this programme of self-punishment, or - failing that - any later occasions that reinforced the programme. The first cause will probably be some childhood feelings of guilt; and almost certainly it will be an imagined guilt, with little or no justification. (For instance, did you have, as a child, erotic desires for your parent of the opposite sex? So did we all.)

Above all, realize that you are not in the grip of some inexorable fate. What we call fate is actually those unconscious self-programmings that

begin as attempts to ward off the anxious fears that arise when our desires conflict with (real or imagined) parental or other authoritative disapproval.

(5) What is the Christ in your dream doing or saying? Is he healing someone - you? If so, the figure probably represents Nature’s power of healing that lies within yourself. The fact that this inner healing power reveals itself in a symbol means that it lies in your unconscious. You need to activate it, and the first step towards this consists of getting to know yourself better - vour unconscious self. In particular you need to get to know the opposed positive and negative forces at work in you and that element within you - perhaps long neglected - that is essential for healing. In psychological terms ‘healing’ means wholeness and harmony (the resolution of all serious inner conflicts). What is it vou need in your life to bring about wholeness? What part of you has been neglected?

The fact that the healing Christ has appeared in your dream, however, is a very good sign. It means that your unconscious is offering you its healing power. Don’t refuse it.

(6) Is the Christ figure pronouncing forgiveness? If so, it may mean either that you have been suffering from guilt-feelings and you have identified these as the symptoms of an inner conflict and are now ready to let go of the guilt and the tension; or that your unconscious is now offering you the means by w hich those guilt-feelings and the associated paralysing anxiety’ can be laid to rest once and for all.

In essence, forgiveness is a dissolving of guilt and anxiety’ (i.e. fear of punishment); and the dissolving agent is objective intelligence which sees through the guilt-feelings to their innocent cause. How can an innocent cause give rise to guilt-feelings? The answer lies in the power of fantasy, w’hich, especially in early childhood (w’hen, according to the psychologist Jean Piaget, no distinction is made between fantasy and reality’), makes mortal sins out of natural and unavoidable desires and leads to a belief that the whole world is bent on punishing the ‘offender’.

(7) Does the Christ figure in vour dream suggest submission and self- surrender, or non-resistance? If so, the dream may be understood to be showing you a pattern in your life that you need to change - a negative pattern of submitting to ‘fate’ or ‘circumstances outside your control’. Alternatively, it could be urging you to practise a positive kind of submission, in w’hich the ego gives wray to the greater wisdom of the unconscious, and false ambitions give wav to the promptings of the

inner true self - which represents your true ‘destiny5 (not to be confused with ‘fate5: fate is external, destiny comes from within).

(8) Is it the risen - resurrected - Christ who appears in the dream? If so, this may be taken as an auspicious sign of potential self-renewal or self-transcendence: the possibility of rising to a new and fuller selfhood, leaving behind all deep internal conflict, anxiety and discontent.

(9) Is the Christ in your dream surrounded by four figures (the four evangelists, or their symbols - angel, lion, ox, eagle)? This is a mandala (See Also: M, ala), which represents psychic wholeness.

NB It can be dangerous to rely too heavily on a being outside ourselves. For example, to think of our sins as being off-loaded on to an external Christ may be a useful and, indeed, healthy stratagem so long as the idea is not taken literally; so long, that is, as it is seen as a symbolic representation of an internal process in which the sin-dissolving agent is our own intelligent T. Otherwise, we are in danger of relinquishing responsibility for our actions and for our own future.

The Christ figure - like all other figures that occur in your dreams - is thrown up by your unconscious and is a pictorial representation of something in the depths of your psyche.

This does not contradict the religious view of the Christ as a universal reality. It would seem that there is a layer of the individual psyche which is not an individual possession but belongs to Nature as such and manifests itself in every existing being. Psychology and theology meet in the mystical understanding which sees the Christ as the universal T, the only subject there is. This is to see all things and all persons as incarnations or embodiments of one and the same reality. This mystical view is found in all the great religious traditions.

If this view is true, it provides a basis for an immediate and intimate relation between the individual and God, a relationship which can properly serve as a source of certainty and confidence, a correct self-esteem and immunity to anxiety.


Depth Psychology: In a dream, Christ always stands for your own personality, for the wholeness you seek.

The dream also suggests that you search for greater self-knowledge, new insights, new goals, all in the service of personal growth. In an indirect way, the image of Christ is like a Guru, there to help you discover your true self.

The dream also indicates that you are living in harmony with yourself, your fate, the world, and that you are trusting in a higher power.

A very profound dream!


To dream of beholding Christ, the young child, worshiped by the wise men, denotes many peaceful days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy, and content.

If in the garden of the Gethsemane, sorrowing adversity will fill your soul, great longings for change and absent objects of love will be felt.

To see him in the temple scourging the traders, denotes that evil enemies will be defeated and honest endeavors will prevail.


Each person has unique associations with this figure, depending on her religious influence. The symbol of Christ, as himself, represents perfection, martyrdom, universal suffering, and resurrection.

There are many ways to reach spiritual truth, as there are many religions to reach your own God. Dreams of this type show those ways.


Although your ultimate contentment may be preceded by some trials, you will achieve peace of mind by making a good adjustment to your life conditions if you dreamed of Jesus.


Dreams of Jesus Christ are about divine guidance, unconditional love, wisdom and inspiration.

See Also: Prophetic Dreams, God.


To dream of Christ denotes consolation; to see Him on the cross, trouble and sorrow (Old Dream Book).


1. Very important message, whatever it is.

2. Live one’s life like christ.


God within you. Heart center or love energy within. Master teacher.


lucky numbers: 16-18-20-21-25-27

Antichrist, seeing the: an appreciation of what exists.

birth of: wil have peace, joy, and contentment by surrendering your innermost self.

Christ consciousness: wil have spiritual harmony.

crucified, being: your enemies wil be defeated.

garden, being in the: wil be highly esteemed and influential.

of: trust the higher power to reach wholeness.

resurrection of: are in harmony with yourself and your fate.

talking to: wil receive a big consolation for bringing others uplifting experiences.

Temple, in the: unpopular but correct efforts wil be rewarded.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation