Vision: Smoking a cigar: be discreet right now in a certain matter and a business affair will be concluded successfully.
Depth Psychology: As a phallic symbol, the cigar is a sign of primitive sexual urges—and, at times, of masculinity as a whole.
[1]To see or dream that you are smoking a cigar, represents luxury and a relaxed state of mind. You are in control of your own emotions and passions.
If you dream of your love interest smoking a cigar, it represents your strong physical attraction to this person.
[2]Perceived grandeur or status (or a desire for such).
Noxiousness or toxicity.
Dependency or addiction (such as to a substance, activity, habit, or way of thinking).
See Also: Cigarette, Smoke, Ashes, Fire, Destroying
[3]For a man to dream of smoking a cigar is a sign that he will be prosperous through his own efforts.
[4]For a man, or woman.
To dream of smoking a cigar is an augury of comfort in old age.
[5]It is a fortunate dream to see yourself smoking. Prosperity awaits you.
[6]See Also: Cigarette. Phallic symbol and also represents the father.
[7]1. A striving for prosperity.
2. Penis.
[8]Very offensive, proud words