The idea of an addiction or a nervous habit (possibly to different substance, activity, habit, or way of thinking).
A source of physical, emotional, or mental toxicity in your life.
A desire for more independence or a stronger sense of identity.
A cigarette burning can represent the exhaustion or “burning up” of resources, energy, or time somehow in your life.
Consider what the idea of smoking brings to mind for you personally.
See Also: Ashes, Fire, Destroying, Cigar, Smoke
[1]1. Unconscious pleading for someone to give up smoking habit.
2. Worry about illness.
3. If someone is smoking, liking or disliking the person for being out of the mainstream of behavior, whatever that may be.
[2]Once the image of intellectual activity, cigarettes now indicate dependency and addiction. Symbol of taking a break. According to Freud, a phallic symbol.
Folklore: Lighting a cigarette points to having new plans.
[3]To dream you are lighting one signifies new plans; a half-smoked Cigarette held in the hand is a postponement, to smoke it to the end, means a successful conclusion to your hopes.
[4]To dream of lighting one cigarette from another, either your own or someone else’s, portends an improvement in your financial afifiars.
[5]Smoking a cigarette in a dream portends a period of wholesome recreation.
[6]Symbolic of an addictive and negative behavior
[7]Depth Psychology: See Smoking.
[8]See “cigar”
[9]See Also: Smoking.
[10]lucky numbers: 06-26-28-32-35-42
enjoying a: no progress.
half-smoked, in hands, holding a: postponement of love.
lighting a: signifies negotiations for new projects.
loose cigarettes: disil usion and disappointment.
man and woman smoking together: conclusion of hopes.
rolling a: wil never have to worry about squandering money.
smoking a: need to postpone appointment until you are better prepared.
to the end: sense of prosperity is a ruse.
stubbing out a, with determination: good progress in trying to quit.
suddenly repulsive to you: quitting has to emerge from the inside out.
trying to give up: limitations don’t reach goals, diversion does.
women dreaming of smoking a: troubles wil soon vanish.