All dreams in which cloaks are protagonists have different interpretations. So on one hand, to shed the cloak symbolizes the need to shake off everything superfluous. To put on a cloak means you are moving away from your essence and are not true to your authentic Self (the cloak, in this case, performs the functions of disguise). (See Also: COAT, DISGUISE)
[1]All forms of cover-up are denoted by this word, including the mysterious and the macabre depicted in the expression “cloak-and-dagger operation.” In a dream, wearing a cloak as a garment might suggest the dreamer needs to feel protected or is trying to cover up something.
[2]To see a cloak in your dream, or dream that you are wearing a cloak, suggests that you are trying to shield yourself from being emotionally hurt. It may also mean that you are trying to cover-up or hide something.
[3]A dream denoting concealment of poverty, etc.
(Gypsy); a Christian symbol of the “charity which covereth a multitude of sins.”
[4]A cloak (as opposed to a cape) featured in your dream signifies protection against any hostile influences around you.
[5]Symbolic of something hidden or mysterious, Judg. 3:16
[6]See Also: Dream Dictionary: Clothes
See “cape”
[8]See Also: Clothes
[9]In a dream, a cloak represents marriage or a child bearing wife.
If the outside of it is made of cotton, it represents one’s good spiritual standing. Acloak in the dream usually represents longevity, prosperity for the one wearing it and protection against a cold winter, that is poverty or the heat of summer, or heaviness in one’s life caused by his wife, his spiritual life, his religious attendance, or it could mean a sickness, imprisonment, distress caused by a woman or the stress of war.
If a wife sees herself wearing a cloak with the lining made of dark sable fur in a dream, it means that she will have a lover of an iniquitous character.
(See Also: Coat)