First off you must explore the feeling you get from the particular color being show to you.Have you preconceived thoughts on certain colors?You have to take this into account.If you hate the color red, say because you had an accident while wearing that color and thereby associate red with accidents, you most likely will not be shown red in a positive dream unless you are being shown to consider red as a more positive color, at least some of the time.So a dream with the color red and a positive feeling about the dream is very important.It is telling you that red can be a positive color for you. Most people dream in colors, but at times some stand out more than others. Colors are symbolic and their symbolism is part of culture. We communicate with color and relate ideas with them.
For example, a bride wears white and black is worn at funerals. Colors also represent energy.
The meaning that you give to the colors in your dreams depends on the meaning that you give to those colors in daily life.
If you “see red” when you are angry, then red symbolizes anger and not passion for you. Some generalizations have been made as to the meaning of colors in dreams. They are as follows Black: depression, sadness, despair. Some believe it symbolizes hidden sexual desires. Blue: spirituality, optimism, positive thoughts, communication. Some believe that when you see it in your dreams, you may be in the presence of your spiritual guide. Green: money, jealousy, health concerns, love. Red: passion, sexuality, anger, warning. White: purity, transformation, cleanliness, dignity.
See Also: Pink, Yellow, Brown, Purple, Orange GENERAL MEANINGS OF COLORS Blue= Physical healing particularly of throat, fevers, and infections. Green = Growth, expansion and healing of those areas in association with growth, expansion, abundance. Pink = Unconditional love. Yellow = Nervous system, mind.Friendship. Orange = Expands the mind. Red = Anger, passion.CAKE-Represents something that brings you joy and pleasure and is shared with others.Directly related to celebrations and company.
[1]If a person has a colorful personality or is particularly colorful in your dream this represents significance, passion, aliveness, and brilliance. Dreams that feature a specific color represent strong feelings, creativity and symbolize that you are in or are moving toward a creative peak. Based on the Hindu Chakra system, each color has a very specific meaning, placement in your body, and emotional/physical/spiritual functionality.
See Also: Chakra.
The following are some colors and their associations: Black-Shadow, fear, unintegrated energy, power, lack of understanding, secrecy, death, transition, transformation, sexuality. Blue-Ocean, water, melancholy, calm. Brown-Earth, elimination, grounding, dullness, excrement. Gold-Royalty, significance, wealth, and being number ‘one’. Grey-Dull, bland, indecision. Green-Nature, health, healing, potential for growth, Indigo-Higher consciousness, intuition, awareness, being religious, spirituality. Orange-Creativity, power, connection with the sun, bright, energized. Pink-Girlishness, femininity, friendliness, softness. Red-Love, passion, sexuality, stop, blood, fear, intense emotion, fertility, richness; red carpet-prestige, royalty, honor. Silver-Higher power, good luck, award. Violet-Spirituality, higher self. White-Innocence, spirituality, purity, heroic, having a peaceful intent, surrender, ghosts. Yellow-Personal power, sun energy, -esteem, empowerment.
[2]Red: Good news. Passion. Anger.
A warning to control your temper. Astrological parallel: Aries
Blue: Enlightenment. Insight. Relief from worry. Assistance from outside sources. Astrological parallel: Libra
Green: Peace. Tranquillity.
The Earth. Money.
A journey. Good news. Astrological parallel: Taurus
Yellow: Intellect.
A problem or puzzle to be solved. Possible setbacks. Gemini. Also: Gold: Leo.
Pink: Love. Compassion.
The attainment of a dream.
Purple: Spirituality; status in one’s own circle. Increased social life, or the desire for same.
Orange: Message from a great Master. Metaphysical or spiritual knowledge.
Brown: Illness. Materialism.
Black: Unhappiness.
A rough road ahead. Something that the dreamer needs to know. In extreme cases, a death - BUT THE DREAMER’S DEATH IS NEVER SHOWN. Astrological parallel: Scorpio
White: Purity. Success well earned. 1Gray: Gray is a rather depressing color; some mystics believe it to be the color of the aura of a prison. Some sources believe it to indicate a slow period in the dreamer’s life, when he or she is merely “marking time.”
A swirl of color: Great joy, happiness, success. Dreams attained. Luck in love. Astrological parallel: The Sun
[3]Rate of vibration, harmony within your energy field. The colors have different vibrations, properties, and represent different levels of awareness. You choose to wear colors that harmonize with your own energy field.
Various colors are: Red - energy.
Rose, pink - love.
Orange - energy, peace.
Yellow - peace.
Green - healing, growth.
Blue - spirituality.
Turquoise - healing, spirituality.
Indigo - spirituality, divine protection.
Violet, purple, lavender - wisdom, knowledge, divine protection.
Grey - fear.
Black - unknown, unconscious.
White - truth, purity.
Brown - grounding.
Gold - Christ light, divine consciousness.
Silver - spiritual protection, truth.
Some colors are also listed separately.
[4]if you dream in Technicolor, the one outstanding thing that this presages is that you will have increasing security and prosperity in your business affairs, if the rest of the symbols point to a bad time for you and your affairs, the dream in color shows that you will have help behind the scenes that will enable you to master your problems. Dreams that involve people who are of a different color then you are, (natural colors), usually points to good luck in money or business.
For specific colors, see the index under the color you wish to check out.
[5]A perceived characteristic of the person or thing with that color (such as orange representing cheerful or purple representing regal).
Your mood, feeling, or sense about the object or situation where the color appeared.
Something specific you tend to associate with the particular color (such as green representing your office that’s green, or blue representing peace).
For more clues, consider your reaction to the color and feelings about it during the dream.
See Also: the specific color.
See Also: Pale, Vivid Color, Colors(the category)
[6](See Also: by specific hue, Clothes)
Generally, dark or murky colors indicate somber feelings, seriousness, or depression, while lighter, sharper ones are upbeat, positive, and cheerful.
Mixed hues, especially those that swirl without form, reveal confusion, a lack of direction, or mixed feelings.
[7]Psychological experience. It points out specific colors—see Red, Yellow, and Blue. Colors are very important if they are a function of a symbol. According to some modern dream research, people who dream in color are particularly temperamental.
[8]lucky numbers: 21-31-37-39-43-50
amber: wil receive a letter that wil transform you.
bright: emotions are churning to the vibrations of light.
brown: are concealing a romantic emotion.
discolored, any part of body being: your pretense wil cause a social setback.
gold: Christ consciousness.
gray: a colorless existence ful of invalid thoughts.
indigo: wisdom, listen to it as you cruise in southern waters.
mauve: warning against pride in cheating others out of their possessions.
pink: glorious resurrections of love from the material body.
several colors mixed together: you have false friends.
silver: divine protection.
turquoise: healing spirituality.
violet: spiritual purification and il umination.
yellow hair: be wary of the envious as you pursue your objections.
painting a room: important but bad changes wil occur.