Confiding in someone can represent: The idea of trust or feeling comfortable with that person.
A particular matter that you’d like to share, vent about, get guidance on, or ask for assistance with.
A desire to feel closer to someone.
The idea of confiding too much or not enough.
Someone confiding in you can also mean there’s something you’d like to know or understand from that person.
See Also: Trust, Admitting, Secret, Communication, Betraying, Betrayed, Being
[1]lucky numbers: 11-16-17-22-33-53
in others: settle pace of your life to a canter.
children: important and beneficial event to come.
your mate: rely upon own vigor and relax your dependence on mate.
news in a friend: misfortune in love affairs.
others, in you: holding their secret puts you at considerable risk.
[2](Secret, Trust) If one sees someone confiding into someone else or telling him a secret in a dream, it means the death of the second person.
(See Also: Secret)