Dreams of constipation symbolize that you’ve been suppressing your power, holding back your creative impulses and keeping a back log of negative energy. Perhaps you’ve being stuck in unworkable patterns, and your subconscious mind is giving you the message to vent daily, to become regular with your emotional purges.
[1]Depth Psychology: Do you suffer from constipation in real life? Do you want to forget, “get rid oP memories from the past, “undigested” events, or experiences? If so, “work through” them— and the sooner the better! See Intestines.
[2]Your con- science is telling you to curb your selfishness and be more considerate of others if your dream con- cerned your own or some- one else’s constipation.
See Also: Bowel Movement, Feces.
[3]To dream that you have constipation, suggests that you are unwilling to let go of your old behavior, and forgive and forget with others. You need to stop dwelling in the past.
[4]Retention signifies an inability to let go of the past or of previous patterns of behaviour, literally to be uptight. Also consult the entry for anus in this section.
[5]Emotional suppression; holding on to ideas, attitudes and experiences no longer needed for balanced and healthful functioning.
[6]Unable to get emotional relief from the problems one has mentally digested; see “bowels”
[7]Difficult emotional work ahead.
The process is faltering.
[8]lucky numbers: 03-15-26-30-35-40
being constipated: life’s poison is clinging to you.
of: are squirreling away the nuts of your ideas and experiences for your use only.
paralyzed with: withholding self-expression limits your self-esteem.
taking a laxative for you: a formerly stingy person wil treat you generously.
[9]In a dream, constipation means miserliness, stinginess and avarice.