Bottle, Box, Vase. These containers symbolize the body of the woman and female sexuality, at least in men’s dreams.
The male body and male sexuality is seldom, if ever, represented by a vase.
If a container symbolizes male sexuality, it appears in the shape of a barrel or bottle.
For men and woman alike, though, a vase may represent the innermost part of the person in the sense of the unconscious. But here the image usually appears in the form of a box (Pandora’s Box) or a treasure chest.
What is inside the container is important (the spirit in the Bottle—the genie). Ever since Sigmund Freud, containers have been seen as referring to sexuality; if the container is empty, impotence. Pouring liquid from a container or removing a cork from a bottle is, according to classical psychoanalysis, usually a symbol for intercourse.
[1]Boxes, drawers, wardrobes and other storage containers in dreams may relate to feelings of safety, security and containment. They may also suggest that you are storing too much emotional baggage and need to lighten your load. An empty container may suggest that you are in need of emotional support or fulfillment.
If a dream container is well organized with room to spare, you may be feeling comfortable in the way you organize your life. If, however, the box is disorganized and overcrowded with items, this can symbolize a sense of being overburdened with daily tasks or with emotions. It is worth remembering whether any items were offloaded in order to make the box easier to use.
[2]Control or restraint (physical, emotional, or mental).
Being or feeling contained, restrained, or not allowed freedom.
A category or other “container” within which to organize thoughts, feelings, opinions, to-do list items, etc.
Being or feeling organized or neat, especially as it pertains to your state of mind (orderly or logical thinking).
Keeping or grouping certain things together in your mind (such as objects, people, or ideas).
Safety, security, or safe-keeping.
See Also: the type of container.
See Also: Package
[3]Dreams of a container symbolize that you are being nurtured, held, and protected.
If the container is empty, then you are dealing with issues of lack or loss.
If the container is full, then you are feeling abundant and complete. Consider the contents for more insight into the significance of this dream. Also, a container can be a nurturing space that holds you while you develop to a certain level. But, just as the butterfly must break free from the cocoon, if you stay too long within your container, your growth will be thwarted.
[4]The meaning of this dream will depend on the characteristics of the container: if it is big, it is a synonym of avarice; small, of conformism; full, of success; empty, of bad luck; and broken, of disagreements with your partner.
[5](See Also: Bag, Pouch, Sack, Suitcase, Trunk)