The active and practical side of our nature which, by working at it, can transform inedible aspects of a relationship or situation into something which satisfies us, the sense of responsibility which ‘feeds the family*; female reproductive ability—puts one thing in the oven (sperm and ovum) and out comes something else (baby); need or ability to nourish oneself and provide for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Idioms: cook the books, cook someone’s goose; cook up; what’s cooking.
[1]Putting together the many ingredients of your life; observe what, and how you are proceeding.
If something is burning you are working under too much pressure. Cooking up mischief. Also, you are really cooking, getting on with it, filled with ideas and action.
[2]1. The dreamer is overprotective of someone.
2. Need for love and affection.
3. Willingness to take on responsibility or care for others.
[3]See Also: people metaphors
1. Scheming up something;
2. Work of the flesh;
3. Poison. Gen. 25:29-34;
[4]Preparing spiritual, mental, or physical nourishment; see “food”
[5]Dream you're busy with a cook,
And for a wedding shortly look.