Example: I’m trapped in a long passageway or corridor. I can’t get out. I’m feeling my way along the wall— there is a small light at the end of the tunnel, I can’t get to it. I’m very frightened. I wake up before I get to the end. Then I feel afraid to go back to sleep’ (Margaret).
The example may refer to the experience of birth in the birth canal. Such a corridor can also depict our sense of not being able to get out of an unsatisfactory situation. No man’s land; limbo; in-be- tween state; the process of going from one thing to another.
See Also: white under colour.
[1](1) As a passage connecting different rooms, a corridor may symbolize a passing from one phase of your life to another; from one self-image to another; or from self-image or something deeper, and closer to your real self.
See Also: Bridge, Crossing, Door.
(2) If, however, the corridor is long and / or dark and you never get to the end of it, the most likely meaning is that you are desperate to get out of some situation, external or internal.
[2]See Also: Hall/Passage in Buildings
1- When we dream of being in a corridor we are usuallv in a state of transition; possibly moving from one state of mind to another, or perhaps between two states of being.
2- We may be in an unsatisfactory situation, but not be able to make decisions except to accept the inevitable.
3- We are in a state of spiritual limbo.
[3]To dream that you are walking through a long corridor indicates that you find yourself in a stagnant position. You can’t seem to break free from an uncomfortable routine. This corridor is the path you must follow in order to leave the past and move onto a new stage or new direction.
[4]also see Hall / Passage in Dream Dictionary: Buildings
Dreams incorporating images of corridors are generally associated with change and shifting between places in our waking lives. These locations are not usually geographical but more attitudinal and / or emotional.
[5]Symbol of transition; going from one situation to something different. Alternatively, a corridor can represent a route to one’s unconscious mind. In psychoanalysis, a womb symbol. (See Also: Hallway).
[6]See Also: buildings
[7]See Also: Hallway.