Dreaming that you wear a costume means that you do not feel comfortable with your personality and, therefore, you need to play a role or to pretend in order to succeed. This attitude can hide your authentic identity.
Many myths and kids’ stories portray characters wearing masks that cannot be removed. This shows that sometimes it is possible to become whoever you want to be by paying a high price: neglecting your true self.
[1]If you were wearing the costume, you’re hiding your true self from someone - or perhaps from everyone in your circle.
If you take it off, something will cause you to drop the fa?ade very soon.
If you are only one amongst many wearing a costume, especially if some of the others were children, this portends an amazing and totally unexpected - but nonetheless favorable - turn of events.
[2]Pretend or playfulness.
A role you play, want to play, are considering (such as a new job), or want others to think you play.
The impression you want to give or the kind of self-image you desire.
A disguise, a wish to be disguised, or a desire to not be recognized or seen.
Hiding or deceit (or an intent for such).
See Also: Clothes, Hat, Makeup, Hiding, Cover
[3]Dreams of a costume symbolize your desire to be seen in a particular type of role or as a particular archetype. Depending upon the feeling tone of this dream, your subconscious mind is either revealing the type of person you are aspiring to become.
[4]You can expect an astonishing turn of events and/or some really astounding news if your dream involved wearing or observing fancy dress.
The omen is especially fortunate if the costumes were worn by children or very young people.
[5]In a dream, a costume can indicate things that may be obscured about the dreamer’s or another’s identity, owing to conscious or subconscious disguises. (See Also: Clothing.)
[6]Wearing a costume in your dream is much like wearing a mask in a dream. You feel the need to hide your true self from the world.
[7]Dreaming of wearing a costume means you think people don’t see the “real” you.
[8]Appearing to be something other than what you are to impress or appease
[9]Playing a role or pretending to be someone you are not
[10]lucky numbers: 06-26-34-38-41-47
man in a riding: a great effort wil be required of you.
woman: pleasant play.
masquerade, having a: are discontented with your image and fear repercussions.
officers in uniforms: need discipline and a code of justice to realize high ambitions.
others in different: escape an unhappy position before they do, and blame you.
priest, of a: avoid rivals who claim innocence.
several different, having: have an identity problem.
[11](See Also: Apparel)