If your dream concerned your own cremation, you are being warned against allowing yourself to be influenced by others.
In important matters rely on your own judgment If the cremation of others was involved in your dream, it predicts a valuable acquisition, probably by inheritance.
[1]An ending (such as of a phase of life, a phase of a relationship, a job, or an activity).
A feeling or fear of losing a person, a relationship, a job, a project or activity, an experience, a way of being, or something else.
See Also: Dead Body, Dead Acquaintance, Death of a Loved One, Funeral, Fire
[2]Dreams of a cremation represent completion and the end of a cycle. Perhaps you are coming to accept ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and the temporal nature of life. You are realizing the ego diminishes to dust in the light of the fire of transformation and only that, which is real remains.
[3]To dream that someone is being cremated indicates that you seek excellence in all aspects of your life. It also symbolizes virtue, cleanliness, and innocence.
[4]lucky numbers: 01-02-15-17-36-47
ashes being put in an urn: lost opportunity of approaching money.
of a relative: wil live a long life.
being cremated: wil have business failure if advice of others is fol owed.
mate: wil possess abounding health.
member of the family: wil receive a legacy.
collecting, ashes: inheritance is imminent.
disbursing: final request of a loved one.
requesting at death: abundant means.