A curse (as in witchcraft) can represent: Power or control over others, whether real or imagined.
Blaming outside sources instead of taking responsibility for yourself and your life.
An attempt to explain something you can’t otherwise explain.
Putting a curse on someone can represent fear of a perceived threat, anger toward or a judgment of someone (indicating an opportunity for you to work through an underlying issue).
See Also: Attacked, Being, Attacking, Bad, Blaming, Magic, Spell, Swearing
[1]If you dream of cursing at someone, then you are venting out your anger, frustration and displeasure.
If someone is cursing at you, then you are venting out feelings of being attacked and criticized.
A dream of being cursed is a venting dream that is helping you to release any projected negativity and guilt you may have taken on.
See Also: Venting Dreams, Karma.
[2]If you uttered a curse against someone in your dream, you are in danger of losing the respect of friends. Curb your temper and impulsive actions. However, if the curses were directed at you by somebody else, a rise in social status through new and influential friends may be expected.
[3]To dream of hearing Curses and rough language presages a visit of ceremony.
[4]Great caution is called for. You are getting caught up in guilt.
[5]See Also: Hex.
[6]lucky numbers: 22-27-40-41-46-51
being cursed: ambitions of your inner fears wil be realized.
cursing: are denying your anger, others wil act out theirs.
friends, you: if you change your approach, your enemies wil fail.
hearing a: difficulties have been surmounted with great embarrassment.
hearing others, you: troubled love affairs lie ahead.
name of God to, using the: wil have fortune tainted with evil.
others taking the name of God in vain: difficulties are surmounted.