An event happening in the daytime or “in broad daylight” can represent a real-life event you feel is intended to be open, obvious, public, or for all to see.
Productivity or activity (since daytime is their usual time frame).
See Also: Time Frame, Time of Day, Light(Illumination)
[1]Daytime scenes in a dream comment on what you are actively pursuing to fulfill your life. Daytime may also reflect the light of consciousness or what is understood or recognized by your conscious mind versus what is unconscious.
[2]1. Truth; evil exposed;
2. Present age;
3. Eternity;
4. A time for the prophetic;
5. The return of the Lord;
6. Believer’s. Dan. 7:9, 13; 12:11; Ps. 90:4; Rev. 2:10.