According to Jung traveling towards the west and following the setting sun may suggest the approach of old age or even death, whereas journeying east suggests rejuvenation. The direction in your dream will send a clear message about your sense of purpose in life.
If the path is straight, then you are following a direct and unproblematic route to your objective.
If it is twisted, then your course is slow and frustrating; if you were going round in circles, you feel as if you are going nowhere.
If you are going backwards, you may feel as if your position has worsened or that you are backing off from a commitment.
If you encounter a road block, your dreaming mind may have placed it in your path to represent the obstacle that is stopping you from moving forward in life.
If you turn off the beaten track, this suggests you are being sidetracked or diverted from your waking goal.
If you turn a corner, this suggests progress.
Were you going uphill in your dream or downhill? The former suggests forces that are working against you; the latter, forces that are working for you in waking life.
If you got lost in your dream, this is a metaphor for losing your sense of purpose in life.
If you consulted a map, compass or atlas in your dream, this indicates options open to you.
If the compass needle suggested heading north, your dreaming mind may be urging you to take an intellectual route but the reference may also be to winter and old age.
If the compass pointed you south, your unconscious may be urging you to take a more relaxed approach; if the direction was east, this suggests spiritual renewal, whilst west suggests the need to conserve your energy. Finally, bear in mind that a right- hand or upward direction suggests a rational approach, whilst a left-hand or downward direction suggests an intuitive approach. In all such instances, try to link the circumstance of your dream with your situation in real life.
[1]A direction (such as north, west, or NNW) can represent: A specific direction on your life path.
A desire for more clarity about direction.
A place, person, or event that you sense is in that direction from you in the dream.
A concept you associate with the direction, such as north representing “higher” or south representing “warmer.” Something specific you associate with that direction (such as a location, city, country, person, activity, or culture).
Consider also your feeling about the direction and what’s supposed to be in that direction in the dream (such as a threat or something you want).
See Also: Map or Directions, Turning, Compass, Traveling
[2]Vision: Turning in a specific direction: See East, North, South, West; as well as Four Corners of the Compass.
[3]Turning left is making the wrong choice; the straight and narrow is right
[4]See Also: position
[5](See Also: Road, Wending one’s way)