To dream of being alone on a dock suggests sadness. You have the blues about something.
If others are on the dock with you, you need to strengthen your friendships.
To dream of seeing a dock from on board a ship portends a surprising and positive turn of events.
To dream of a broken dock suggests that you are worried that a friendship or family relationship has suffered serious damage.
[1]Dreams of a dock symbolize a transition space between your conscious and unconscious, and the mundane and the mystical where the veil between worlds is thin. Perhaps you are coming back to shore to rest and incorporate what you’ve learned from your voyage into the deep end of your emotional ocean.
See Also: Bridge.
[2]A place to stop, rest, find security, or take refuge from the elements (or a person or situation that provides such).
An entrance, exit, or other transition.
A beginning or ending place, as in a process, story, or journey (such as the departure point for a journey).
See Also: Boat, Anchor, Breakwater
[3]To dream of seeing the dock from on board a ship portends a surprising and beneficial turn of events, A dream of a busy dock or dockyard indicates an increase in material wealth; but if you were alone on a dock or observed a deserted dockyard, the prediction is one of sadness.
[4]1. Feelings of loneliness, loss and possibly grief which require attention (alone on the dock).
2. Financial success (to stand on a busy dock).
3. Use extreme caution in love affairs.
[5]A place where people can visit for spiritual help in their time of need, i.E.
A loving, charitable home; a mission; see “water”
[6]Place of rest from emotional seas of life; safe place for evaluating past and setting future course of action.
See Also: Harbor.
[7]Groundedness, security, as in Anchor and Buoy. Being at home, coming home, as in Parents’ House, Family.
[8]See Also: Port.
[9]lucky numbers: 04-17-24-41-43-44
being on a, alone: must endure grief before a pleasant surprise.
with a sailor: a secret enmity wil cause an unpropitious journey.
with workmen or stevedores: good business prospects, if you stay in ful disclosure.
longshoreman, of: wil be doing things for others.
yard, being in a: a safe zone for reevaluating your past and steering your future course.
sailors on a: a fight with your best friend wil begin in earnest and dribble to laughter.
workmen on a: watch your footing, your flanks, and listen to the messages from above.