The significance depends on what the drink is and its condition.
Water which is cloudy, dirty, warm, or hot predicts loss of money and/or status due to unfortunate circumstances; but a drink of clear cool or cold water is a very fortunate omen for anyone but particularly for students or those in academic life, as for such it augurs honor and achievement through knowledge.
To drink milk is also a happy omen of coming success.
Fizzy soft drinks such as Coca-Cola, etc.
signify exciting happenings ahead, and any very sweet, syrupy drink predicts a passionate love affair.
However, drinking from a bottle indicates an unsatisfactory romantic experience.
See Also: Wine, Br, y, Colors, Bar, etc.
[1]1- To be drinking in a dream is to be absorbing or taking something in. What we are drinking is also important, e.g. fruit juice would indicate we are aware of the need for cleansing and purity.
The colour of what is being drunk is also important (See Also: Alcohol, Colours).
2- Drinking in a dream may indicate our need for comfort and sustenance. As a basic requirement for life, drinking symbolises the interplay between the inner need to sustain life and external availability of nourishment.
3- Spiritually there is a belief that the drinking of wine is, or symbolises, the imbibing of Divine life and power.
[2]To absorb or take something subtle into oneself. This may be taking in feelings such as pleasure; absorbing a mood; drinking in’ our surroundings. When connected with thirst: suggests needs or longings being met.
If in company with someone of the opposite sex, or a group: taking in the pleasure or otherwise of the relationship or group. Sometimes connected with childhood emotional need See alcohol.
[3]To dream that you are drinking water, represents spiritual refreshment. You will find fulfillment and peace by looking within yourself and your past.
To dream that you are drinking alcohol, denotes that you are seeking either pleasure or escape.
To dream of drinking alcohol in excess, signifies feelings of insecurity and regrets. You worry that people will discover who you really are.
[4]Psychological / emotional perspective: Drinking, not necessarily of wine, in a dream may indicate our need for comfort and sustenance. Drinking – the taking in of liquid – symbolizes the interplay between the inner need to sustain life and external availability of nourishment. It also suggests our requirement for emotions that flow rather than getting stuck.
[5]Drinking in a dream indicates that you are thirsting for connection, mental stimulation, or a spiritual connection.
If the drink is satisfying, then you are content with the answers, energy, and substance you are receiving.
If the drink did not satisfy your thirst, then you are still on a quest to find the answers or energy you need to quench your thirst.
[6]Material aspects: To be drinking in a dream is to be absorbing or taking something in. What we are drinking is also important, e.G. Fruit juice would indicate we are aware of the need for cleansing and purity.
The colour of what is being drunk is also important.
[7]If you dream that you are thirsty and cannot find water, it shows misfortune.
If the water is dirty or muddy, it is a bad sign, as also if it is warm or hot. But to Drink clear fresh water is a very good sign.
It is also fortunate to Drink milk.
[8]To drink warm water is bad; to drink muddy water is very bad; to drink clear water is a good sign; to drink thick wine is very good; to drink white wine signifies health; to drink milk is an exceedingly good sign; to drink vinegar signifies discomfort.
[9]Images of a drink usually appear when the dreamer is actually thirsty. It can also relate to taking pleasure in love What did you drink?
See Also: Thirst, Cup, Glass, Water, Wine, Tears.
[10]1. Consume;
2. Fellowship;
3. Pleasures of life;
4. Drunkenness;
5. Partaking of the Spirit 1 Cor. 10:4, 21; 12:13; John 4:13-14; Prov. 5:15-19; Rev. 14:8- 10.
[11]Spiritually there is a belief that the drinking of wine is, or symbolizes, the imbibing of divine life and power.
[12]Determines one’s portion in life; research the type of drink and container
[13]To dream you drink cold water is good; but hot signifies hindrances of affairs. To dream you drink wine with moderation is good; to drink oil signifies poison. To dream you are drinking, when you are dry, from a stream or fountain, is a sign of sickness. If a man dreams he is drunk with some sweet and pleasant drink, it is a sign he will be loved by some lady, and grow rich thereby.
[14](Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path. Drinking a glass of cold sweet water in the early morning in a dream means lawful earnings and profits for everyone, except for someone who is used to drinking hot boiled water which means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness. Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet.
If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness.
If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness for a rich person and bad news for a poor person. Drinkinga glass of apple juice in a dream means benefits drawn from a servant or an employee, a service offered by a powerful person, or it could mean a stressful life.
If one drinks something to cure an illness in a dream, it means recovering from that illness if it exists. Otherwise, it means that he might suffer from such an illness and take such a drink as a cure. Any constipating drink in a dream means stinginess, while taking a laxative in a dream means generosity.
A headache reliever or a pain killer means kindness or diplomacy and the same goes for any drink that cleanses the kidney. Beside that, drinks denote architecture, religious studies, addressing matters promptly or hiding secrets. Colorful drinks in a dream represent happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations and correcting one’s behavior. Fruit drinks in a dream may denote the fruit itself. Drinking rose water in a dream means lack of trust in someone’s promises. Drinking an unknown but fragrant drink in a dream means strengthening one’s certitude, loyalty or fulfilling one’s vow. Drinking a smelly or a spoiled drink and particularly in a golden cup or a silver cup in a dream means denying the true source of favors or becoming an apostate.
If one sees a deceased person handing him a sweet and a fragrant drink in a dream, it means guidance or admonition and it could mean that the deceased person dwells in paradise. Drinking with a regular cup in a dream represents the last drink. Drinking an unknown drink in a dream also represents the drink of the righteous and elect among God’s creation.
(See Also: Cold water)