A driver’s license, I.D., or other form of identification can represent: The idea of being official, approved, or validated by an authority.
Your identity or the way you think of yourself.
Permission to participate in or access a particular experience.
Misplacing your driver’s license can represent a feeling or fear of: not being permitted or “officially approved”, a loss of identity, losing or being denied the ability to make progress in your life (represented in the dream by not being allowed to drive).
Your driver’s license being taken away by authorities can represent an issue relating to responsibility, authority, rules, or societal norms.
See Also: License, Driving, Wallet
[1]Losing your driver’s license in your dreams may comment that you have lost your true identity. It may also signify a loss of freedom to move toward your own goals and destination in life. Your own driver’s license appearing in your dream may comment that you are having an identity crisis. Finding someone else’s driver’s license may suggest that his or her true identity has been revealed to you.
[2]To dream about your driver’s license suggests that you are facing some kind of identity crisis.
If you lose your driver’s license in your dream, you have lost your true identity. Perhaps you have lost the independence or will to pursue your goals. Also see “Driving Test”, below.
[3]Symbolizes identity. You have been recognized as mature enough to become a Leader. You can move freely (symbol of freedom). Loss of driver’s license, loss of identity, immaturity. Searching for the driver’s license, searching for one’s identity.
[4]1. Identity.
2. Mobility, independence.
3. Achieving a new level of growth, dignity.