Freud associated eating with sexuality insisting, for example, that dreams about fruit were always about women’s breasts or buttocks. But it is true to say that dreams about eating do often have a sexual implication. The ancients believed that, because of their shapes, certain types of fruit and vegetable were aphrodisiacs; these associations linger to this day. Your physical actions in the dream may also be significant; sucking and licking food, for example, probably have a sexual reference. Biting and chewing food can also have a sexual reference, but they may also refer to your ability to absorb new information.
Eating might, in addition, represent a need to be more body conscious or grounded in material reality.
To dream that you are eating alone signifies loss, loneliness and depression. Alternatively, eating alone may reflect your independent nature. Also consider the pun, ‘what’s eating you up?’ in reference to any anxiety that you may be feeling. To dream that you are eating with others denotes prosperous undertakings, personal gain and joyous spirits. To dream that you are overeating suggests that you have an indulgent sexuality or lifestyle, or that you have been expending too much emotion and effort recently; dreams of not eating enough, on the other hand, signify a denial of sexual needs or a lack of fulfillment in your waking life.
Dreaming of eating in uncomfortable or frightening surroundings may represent unhappiness with your relationships. Dreams of desperately seeking food or even becoming food yourself may underline the message that you have voracious appetites in waking life that are not being satisfied. Your hunger may be a symbolic cry for more attention, love, power or status. An alternative explanation is that eating suggests qualities you are assimilating or making part of yourself. This may refer to nourishment of the emotions, senses or the mind. Hunger sharpens the appetite, so ask yourself what it is you are hungry for.
Could it be the comfort of a fulfilling relationship, a stimulating job or is it food for thought, such as intellectual stimulation? What is currently missing from your real life that is important for your emotional well-being? What wets your appetite for life?
The type of food you are eating is important, as is its quality.
If you were eating leftovers in your dream, are you losing out in some way in waking life? If you enjoy a dream dinner with friends, are you feeding off other people’s ideas? If you were attending a banquet or feast, are you feeling comfortable with yourself and your lifestyle right now? Were you being forcefed or was the food taken away? All these details will help you relate the particular type of food or drink to an appetite or desire in waking life.
[1]Satisfying one’s needs or hunger’. This can be any area of need, such as emotional, mental, sexual, depending on dream context. Example: I am putting four of our puppies under the grill and cooking them’ (Maureen). Although Maureen hasn’t eaten her puppies yet, her dream illustrates how food is used to represent emotional needs. Maureen is childless, has a lot of mother love, planned the pregnancy of her bitch, and gets enormous satisfaction from rearing the puppies. She is literally hungry for the exchange of love and care she finds in dealing with her puppies.
Occasionally shows information about actual nutritional needs or physical allergies. Also, to eat is to continue involvement in the fundamental processes of life, a celebration of interdependence.
To not eat: shows a conflict with the physical reality of one’s body and its needs, an avoidance of growth or change; an attempt to be isolated from others, reality, the whole. Avoiding cenain foods: expression of decision making in dealing with needs; food allergy. Giving food to others: giving of oneself to others, or nunuring some aspect of oneself. Eating objects or repulsive food: meeting objectionable experiences; trying to ‘stomach’ things which make you ‘sick’.
Example: 1 ran into a house and came face to face with a huge stag. I noted the open back door, whereupon he staned eating my leg. I was pushing against his horns and managed to stop him chewing me’ (Jasmine C). Being eaten : the first pan of Jasmine’s dream (not quoted) is obviously sexual. Being eaten therefore suggests she is being consumed by her sexual drive. Being eaten, especially if it is the face, also shows how our identity, or our fragile sense of self, is feeling attacked by emotions or fears, other people, or internal dnves.
The classic story of Jonah illustrates this, and shows how the conscious personality needs to develop a working relationship with the unconscious. Eaten by dogs, maggots: feelings about death.
See Also: food. Sec also dog under animals; individuation. Idioms: eaten away; eat din; eat humble pie; eat like a horse; eat one’s hean out, eat one’s words; eat out of one’s hand; eat you out of house and home; what’s eating you?; proof of the pudding is in the eating; dog eat dog.
[2](See Also: Food by type, Beverages, C, y, Fasting, Hunger)
If you have been dieting lately, this is likely a circumstantial dream that needs no further explanation.
The ideas, concepts, or beliefs currently being internalized (e.g., “you are what you eat”).
In esoteric traditions, eating is a way to ground energy and reestablish foundations in the material world. Consider if both feet have been on terra firm a lately.
Metaphorically, is there something for which you hunger in your life, physically, mentally, or spiritually? If so, find the right food to fill that hunger so that strong, healthy growth may begin (or continue).
A representation of your current eating habits. Are you eating well-rounded meals—or too much junk food? Consider what the dream shows you in terms of how you’ve been feeling lately, and make appropriate adjustments in your diet.
Eating a celebratory feast represents sampling a little from many different aspects of life, and enjoying each fully. It may also portend a period of abundance and pleasant surprises soon to follow.
Arriving late for a feast indicates the presence of many pressing personal matters that often detain social interactions.
Reviewing a menu in a dream signifies life’s decisions and how metaphorically “good” they are for you. Consider what types of foods were chosen, and if the choices were costly, for more specific symbolism.
Leaving a table hungry represents being dissatisfied bv the results of an effort, the answer received from a question, or a situation that is less fulfilling than you might wish.
[3]The dreams in which you ingest food have often a purely physiological origin (simply, you are hungry). However, these images can also be representing your “hunger” in intellectual, emotional, and professional matters. So, if you eat something you dislike it means your current situation displeases you in any of the stated elements. You only remain on it, solely and exclusively, because you are unable to propose new alternatives.
If you dream you swallow something you dislike without chewing it first, it indicates you do not want to face an unpleasant issue. In contrast, a food binge warns you against a saturation (physical or mental) so you should enhance communication with others. To Freud, the mouth was a primary erogenous zone. The dreams in which you eat, therefore, are closely related to sexuality. A food binge, in this regard, denotes that you are too lenient in the sexual arena. Starving, however, denotes the denial of your sexual needs.
If the dream’s atmosphere is pleasant it reflects intimacy with others and good relations. Otherwise, it relates to the frigidity and the poor condition of your social contacts.
Usually, it warns against a dispute or economic loss. Eating salt or lard means you will be the subject of a heated argument.
[4]To dream that you are eating alone suggests a sense of sadness, of being down in the dumps. You could be feeling as though you have been neglected or disowned from certain relationships. Eating can often be seen as trying to fill the void you feel from a lack of friendship or loneliness. This could also represent your wish to become more self-sufficient.
To dream that you are eating with others represents balance, closeness, happiness, prosperity, and successful opportunities.
To dream that you are overeating or undereating suggests that you sense your soul may not be complete. Food may indicate love, companionship, sex, or contentment. Food can signify that you wish to indulge in these aspects.
If you are refusing to eat, then you may wish to be more self-reliant.
To dream that someone takes food away before you are done indicates that you may encounter troubles from those that rely on you.
[5]See Also: Devour, Food, Nourishment
1- To be eating in a dream shows that one is attempting to satisfy one’s needs or hunger. Hunger is a basic drive and we need to realise that only once such a drive is met can we move forward to satisfying our more aesthetic needs.
2- Dreaming of eating may denote that we lack some basic nutrient or feedback in our lives.
To not eat or refuse food indicates an avoidance of growth and change. We may be attempting to isolate ourselves from others or be in conflict with ourselves over our body image. Being eaten in a dream signifies we are aware of being attacked by our own or possibly other people’s - emotions and fears or by our internal drives.
Being eaten by a wild animal shows the likelihood of us being consumed by our more basic, animal nature.
3- We are reputed to become what we cat, so spiritually we should eat the best food possible.
[6]The symbolism of eating primarily has to do with the taking in of sustenance and nurturance. This can relate to other things besides food, for such is the power of a symbol.
If eating is featured in your dream, take a look at where in your life you are experiencing some issue around how well you are taking care of your own needs.
The context of a dream that features this activity should offer many clues.
The more excessive the eating, the more the dream may be pointing to issues of excess and gluttony. What you are eating should be considered for symbolic interpretation as well. Once you are clear about the meaning you ascribe to the food (or other substance) of your dream, recognize that the act of eating is expressing a desire to take that quality into your own body and integrate it as part of you.
[7]We eat to nourish our body, so dreams of eating often indicate a need to take care of ourselves. Look at your diet and see if you can make any positive changes, consider your health and well-being in general.
What you eat and how you are eating it is also important. If you’re munching on your favourite treats, then this could mean you’re craving comfort; while ravenously gobbling down food means you are hungry for something in real life. Ask yourself ‘What is missing from my world? Where do I feel lacking?’ If the food makes you sick, then this is a clear sign that something in your life is making you feel bad. Find out what it is and get rid of it.
[8]Eating in a dream symbolizes the need for new interests and stimulation. However, if the foods you are eating are specifically those you enjoyed in your childhood, then you have a need for comfort and safe haven at the moment.
If a waiter should clear away the food that you are eating before you are finished, this denotes a business loss that will injure your finances.
If a spouse should do this in the middle of dining at home, you will have many domestic troubles.
If you should be dining with others in elegant surroundings then you will have personal victories.
[9](1) Eating can be a substitute form of self-gratification and may therefore represent the basic need that has been displaced - for example, sex, love, fulfilment in work.
(2) If something or someone is threatening to eat you, the meaning is probablv that there is something in your unconscious - a complex, phobia, fixation or whatever - which, if not attended to, may take over your whole life.
(3) Perhaps there is something that you need to ‘digest inwardly*; some positive idea or attitude that you need to assimilate into your being.
[10]Vision + Depth Psychology: Dreaming about eating means that you are sexually unfulfilled or looking to have sex. Eating at a large table: you want more social interaction. Eating a rich meal alone: recklessness and lack of empathy have made you unpopular. Eating very little food: you are remorseful.
If you are hungry, but can’t find anything to eat: a change in your life.
If you are dieting, you will have frequent food and eating-related dreams.
[11]Nourishing yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritual (or otherwise).
Acquiring something, “taking it in,” or making it your own (such as an idea, suggestion, or belief).
Giving to yourself or treating yourself.
Actual hunger or cravings.
Consider the type of food, your feelings, and the context.
See Also: Food, Meal, Tasting, Biting, Chewing, Cooking, Absorbing, Gluttony, Feeding, Mouth, Tooth, Stomach
[12]To dream of eating alone, signifies loss and melancholy spirits.
To eat with others, denotes personal gain, cheerful environments and prosperous undertakings.
If your daughter carries away the platter of meat before you are done eating, it foretells that you will have trouble and vexation from those beneath you or dependent upon you.
The same would apply to a waiter or waitress.
See Also: other subjects similar.
[13]When the dreamer eats alone, loss of physical energy may cause inertia. This, in turn, signifies mental depression.
A dream of endless eating indicates many worries and a restless, unsatisfactory way of living.
If the food is removed before the dreamer has finished with it, domestic or occupational complications must be solved.
[14]Eating sometimes symbolizes partaking of nonphysical forms of nourishment. It may also represent enjoyment or indulgence. Because the English language uses certain eating metaphors, eating in dreams sometimes indicates anxiety (“What’s eating you?”) or being overwhelmed (being “eaten alive”). (See Also: Devour, Hunger).
[15]The interpretation of this dream differs greatly according to the circum- stances and other factors ihvolved, so you must look up the various foods, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. How- ever, as a general guide eating with guests is a happy omen, but to eat alone is a warning to guard against a loss of status or valued friends.
[16]1. Eating alone equals depression, or being engulfed by a feeling of rejection.
2. One is being “eaten up” by something.
3. The desire to break off a relationship.
4. Overeating indicates anxiety or concern over something.
5. Food equals emotional sustenance.
[17]You enjoy your meal and drink on the terrace of a gorgeous restaurant: you can expect to enjoy your rising social status and increased wealth • You crack seeds: you’ll have a wonderful child • You eat well cooked meat: yo
[18]Eating in dreams represents may express concerns about receiving nourishment or being nurtured by others. Eating in dreams may also reflect literal eating habits such as eating too fast, being too picky or eating too much.
[19]An unfortunate omen as a rule, and a sign of family quarrels. But if you see other people Eating in your dream, it shows a valuable friendship.
To eat Cheese is fortunate, however.
See Also: FRUIT, other similar titles.
[20]Grounding, taking something in, being touched by sensual pleasures. In the widest sense of the word, it always points to emotional or spiritual food. What do you have to do to nurture your soul?
[21](See Also: separate articles of food).
To dream of eating in company with one or more congenial people is, in general, a sign that your lot will be one of contentment.
[22]Nourishment given to the body for good or otherwise.Are you having to swallow something you would rather not?
[23]It is an unfortunate augury to dream of eating alone.
[24]1. Studying the Word
2. Revelation;
[25]To dream that you are eating, is a very unfavorable omen; it portends disunion amongst your family, losses in trade, and disappointment in love; storms and shipwrecks by sea.
[26]lucky numbers: 06-17-21-29-32-44
alone: unfortunate woes can be handled by you alone.
being eaten by a lion: a prominent person wil take credit for your actions.
shark: are devoured by your inner anxieties.
belching after: thank the hostess before you display a lack of manners.
diet, on a: pare away your anxieties one at a time.
dreaming of, while fasting: your emotions need to be nurtured with other than food.
empty table, at an: find the source of your energy depletion.
large, a: are saddened at your love life and need to socialize.
family, with the: happy environment and profitable undertakings.
relatives: nostalgia for past relationship before vexations from your dependents.
fat things: warning of an il ness from absorbing others’ pain as yours.
floor, on the: someone has taken something from you; the loss makes you melancholy.
fruits: food is being withheld from you, which you justly deserve.
full, until you are: losses and depressed spirits won’t be al eviated by overeating.
hands, with your: a would-be lover is proving elusive.
human flesh: are shunned by society and rightly so.
meal, a big: are unable to share the discovery of valuables.
gourmet, alone: your lack of empathy has lost you friends.
nibbling, of: be careful what you write and sign.
in public: be careful in whom you confide.
others: are angry and disil usioned with your partner.
in company of: wil soon receive what you desired at the expense of what you had.
overeating: are being devoured by another’s voracious love; are emotional y starved.
salads: healthy overindulgence is stil overindulgence.
salted things: personal prosperity retained against threats posed by grasping friends.
secret, in: deep-seated desires and longings are not being fulfil ed.
sharing good: have enough to feel comfortable giving to others.
small portion of food: apologize or you wil be shut out of a friendship.
standing up: are doing things too hurriedly without thought.
suffocating while: take a deep breath before and in the middle of each bite.
unable to find food to eat: make a radical change in your diet and your companions.
[27](See Also: Food)