Eavesdropping on someone can represent curiosity about a certain person, situation, or the motives of others.
Someone eavesdropping on you can represent a feeling or fear of personal boundaries being invaded, loss of privacy, or a secret being revealed.
See Also: Listening, Telescope, Secret, Privacy
[1]A dream in which others are eaves- dropping is a warning that you are facing a dilemma from which it will be diffi- cult to extricate yourself. But any dream in which you are the eavesdropper is a forerunner of unan- ticipated good luck.
[2]To dream that you are eavesdropping indicates that you need to pay closer attention in your waking life to what you are being told. Your dream may also be telling you to be more open to hearing the guidance and/or criticism of others.
[3]Listening in secretly on a conversation not meant for your ears is a fortunate augury for those who are pi inning a change in their business.
The chances are all in favor of its being successful.
[4]To dream that you are secretly listening to the conversation of other people is a sign that some unexpected good fortune is coming to you.
[5]Being a busybody, Prov. 17:9, 20:19
[6]In a dream, eavesdropping means backbiting and lies. Perhaps the one who is eavesdropping on others may become despised by the ruler or his superior. On the other hand, if one sees himself in a dream inadvertently listening to a conversation, and if the one seeing the dream is a merchant, it means that he will resign from the leadership of his business, and ifhe is a ruler, it means that he will be removed from his post.
If one sees himself harkening to another person in a dream, it means that he desires to defame him or expose his pitfalls.
If one sees himself listening to some talks of which he follows the better avenues in the dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings.
If one sees himself listening to admonition but ignoring it in a dream, it means that he lies as a habit.
[7]lucky numbers: 07-17-18-19-27-31
friends, on own: approaching money.
of: dilemma of a distressing dispute from which you cannot find your way out.
others, on a secret: money is coming to you.
secretly, on a conversation: should be tarred and feathered and run out of town.