Example: ‘I was down in a low bit of a village, trying to get to a road high up on a hill where the sun was shining and was walking through dark, empty houses’ (Heather).
The use of empty in this dream can be understood by the comparison existing between the ‘down low, empty houses’ feeling, and the ‘high up, sunny hill’ feeling.
Generally lack of pleasure, enthusiasm, good feelings; loneliness; lack of relationship; sense of isolation. Or lack of one’s potential, opportunity, space to be oneself. Empty house, buildings, shell : outgrown habits or ways of life; old attitudes; death; potential.
See Also: house.
[1]1- I’o experience emptiness in a dream indicates there is a lack of pleasure and enthusiasm. We could be suffering from a sense of Isolation, or perhaps of not having anything to hold on to. We may have had expectations which cannot be realised.
2- We may need space to be ourselves in order to come to terms with what is occurring in our lives. ‘I’o be in an empty house or building denotes the fact that we have left behind old attitudes and habits.
3- Spiritually, any sort of experience which brings about an emptiness signifies the Void.
[2]A void, an empty space, or nothingness can represent: Openness, freedom, potential, or endless possibility (as in an empty canvas or empty space).
Feeling emotionally empty, missing something or someone, or lacking something specific.
An unmet need or expectation (as in expecting something but getting nothing).
Meaningless or insincere (as in “empty praise”).
See Also: Zero, Depleted, Wanting, Vacuum, Container, Hole, Scarcity, Sparse, Leaking
[3]Dreams of feeling empty symbolize that you’ve not been tending to your needs, you’re running on empty, your tank is low, and you are processing and releasing feelings of emptiness, loneliness and lack of connection to your purpose. Your dream is telling you that it is time to fill your well with soul food that will nurture your body, mind and soul.
See Also: Low Tide.
[4]To be aware of emptiness, or to find something empty when you expected it would be full, suggests that you are contemplating some venture or activity which would turn out to be disappointing and a waste of effort. Don’t try anything unfamiliar for a while after you have this dream.
[5]Material aspects: To experience emptiness in a dream indicates there is a lack of pleasure and enthusiasm. We could be suffering from a sense of isolation, or perhaps of not having anything to hold on to. We may have had expectations that cannot be realized.
[6]Psychological / emotional perspective: We may need space to be ourselves in order to come to terms with what is occurring in our lives.
To be in an empty house or building denotes the fact that we have left behind old attitudes and habits.
[7]Lack of self-love, no energy; failure to use one’s resources. Focus on creative self for new growth.
[8]Spiritually, any sort of experience that brings about a sense of emptiness signifies the void.
[9]lucky numbers: 01-02-19-29-32-44
barrel, having an: big poverty; work on the little things first, then expand.
emptiness: seeing no results for extensive effort; a glass half-empty.
home being: big catastrophe is ahead, with nothing left to sel .
jar, pouring from an: unexpected gains are a futile hope.
[10](See Also: Deserted, Emptiness)